Elizabeth Switzer has installed a series of imprints she made with tea over the course of 12 days as a systematic act of recording time and as a personal rumination of the past. She describes her exhibit, titled "twelve days in august," this way: "I am systematically recording and marking the passage of time through the act of drinking tea. Each work records a moment, some with company, many alone. Sometimes the tea is for relaxation, sometimes it is for energy, sometimes to calm my stomach, but they all become the same in the end, stains on paper, an echo of moments past."

Switzer, who has taught drawing and photography, earned his master of fine arts degree at the State University at Buffalo. She was director of programming at Rochester Contemporary gallery, and she has exhibited her work in solo and group shows at galleries in Buffalo, Rochester, and Syracuse. Currently, she works at the George Eastman House.

FOR MORE INFORMATION: Contact the gallery at (585) 275-4476

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