Daniel Schwartz, Fredric J. Whiton Professor of English Literature, and a Stephen H. Weiss Presidential Fellow in the Department of English at Cornell University, explores the New York Times' representation of presidential candidates, in his talk "Measuring the Candidates and Weighing the Issues: The Times Influence on the Present and the Past. "The newspaper, he contends, presents candidates differently depending on their stance on certain "core values" of the newspaper. He will also give remarks regarding the attention given by the media on the personal lives of politicians and how it affects voters.

Schwarz is the author of The Transformation of the English Novel, 1890-1930: Studies in Hardy, Conrad, Joyce, Lawrence, Forster, and Woolf. Schwarz received the Cornell Russell Distinguished Teaching Award in 1998 and was awarded the title of Weiss Fellow in recognition for Distinguished Teaching at Cornell University. His current project is a book titled New York Times in Crisis.

This talk is part of the Humanities Project, an initiative by the University of Rochester emphasizing the influence and contributions of the humanities to academic and civil life.

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