Martin Feinberg and Ronald Jones have been chosen to receive 1994 teaching awards at University of Rochester Commencement ceremonies Sunday, May 22, 1994.

Martin Feinberg, who is professor of chemical engineering, will receive the Edward Peck Curtis Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching. A Rochester professor for 25 years, Feinberg is known by students and colleagues alike for his uncommon gift for presenting complex ideas in a simple, straightforward manner that invites discussion. Students describe the material as clear and organized, delivered with a dose of good humor. Under Feinberg, one colleague says, "students realize both the beauty and relevance of their basic science background for engineering applications." This goes for both struggling and advanced students. Outside of class, students enjoy an easy rapport with him, often stopping in for a chat.

Feinberg earned an M.S. in chemical engineering at Purdue University and a Ph.D. at Princeton University. He was named a Camille & Henry Dreyfus Scholar in 1973, received the University's Mentor Award in 1984, and was an S.C. Johnson lecturer in 1991.

Ronald Jones, who is Xerox professor of economics, will receive the University Award for Graduate Teaching. He joined the Rochester faculty in 1968. Fondly remembered by many former students for the clarity of his lectures, he also is described as an impartial mentor, one who found time for both the star performers and the average students.

A prolific writer, Jones is regarded globally as an expert in international trade. He is known in Japan as one of the principal architects of "the Rochester school" of economic thought. He is a fellow of the elite Econometric Society and of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He also received an honorary doctorate at the University of Geneva, known for its outstanding international economics program.

Many of his students today enjoy highly successful careers in business and education. Writes one: "The scholarly contributions of Ron himself and of his many distinguished students have had a profound effect on the development of trade theory."

Jones earned his Ph.D. in economics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Note to editors: Martin Feinberg lives in Brighton.
