Take a journey into the work and life of Richard F. Fenno Jr., Distinguished Professor Emeritus at the University of Rochester, and experience a part of a lifetime of research and analysis of the U.S. Congress.

The exhibit marks Fenno's 50th year with the University and features selected materials from the Fenno Papers in the library's Department of Rare Books and Special Collections. The display includes a timeline and biography of his work; photographs of Fenno with Dan Quayle, Jimmy Carter and the late Lady Bird Johnson; letters and interviews with members of Congress; and other Congressional paraphernalia.

Fenno is one of the nation's most respected scholars in political science. He is the former president of the American Political Science Association and is author of numerous publications, including The Power of the Purse: Appropriations Politics in Congress; Congressmen in Committees; Home Style: House Members in Their Districts; and Going Home: Black Representatives and Their Constituents. Fenno's most recent book, Congressional Travels: Places, Connections, and Authenticity, was published in 2006.

FOR MORE INFORMATION: Contact the Rare Books Library at (585) 275-4477.