R World R Vote, a student designed program at the University of Rochester, and the Rochester Center for Community Leadership (RCCL) will host the Project Vote Smart Bus on campus to teach voters how to be informed about their elected officials and candidates for public office. The mission of the bus is to fight misinformation and rhetoric presented by the media, political partisans, and others during campaigns.

Project Vote Smart is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that works to ensure that Americans have access to information about candidates running for office. The organization offers a national library of information on 40,000 candidates for public office at all levels of government. This is the inaugural tour of the bus, which began on Oct. 7.

R World R Vote will continue programming on election themes from now until fall 2008. Other events included the third annual student sponsored symposium titled "Old Media, New Tricks: Campaign 2008 Goes Digital" during last month's Meliora Weekend.

FOR MORE INFORMATION: Contact Jenna Bower at (585) 276-3277 or jbower@ur.rochester.edu or visit www.vote-smart.org.