A University of Rochester undergraduate student, Sara Gail Ng Lim, 21, was struck by a car while stepping into an Elmwood Avenue crosswalk Tuesday evening. She is in guarded condition and being treated at the University's Strong Memorial Hospital, according to a hospital spokesman.

The accident occurred in light rain at approximately 7 p.m. The driver of the vehicle has not been charged, and police are continuing to reconstruct the accident.

"We offer our heartfelt wishes to Sara for her speedy recovery and for her return to campus activities," said University President Joel Seligman. "We will provide any assistance we can to support Sara's family and friends at this time."

The accident was reported by a witness via a cell phone call to University Security, whose officers arrived in approximately one minute. An ambulance arrived one minute later and, after the EMS crew provided on-scene care, they transported Ms. Lim to the Hospital's Emergency Department.

Dean of the College Richard Feldman assigned representatives of the College's Dean of Students Office to make contact with and assist Ms. Lim's parents, who live in the Philippines, and to offer counseling support to her friends and roommates.

The crosswalk is heavily used by pedestrians crossing between the University's River Campus and its Medical Center, and it contains special flashing lights in the pavement that are activated when pedestrians trigger sensors before stepping into the roadway.

University officials are issuing reminders to pedestrians and drivers to exercise caution near heavily used crosswalks. They continue to work with city and county traffic control officials to enhance both traffic flow and safety and pedestrian safety along Elmwood Avenue and adjacent streets.