Area teachers who want to research a topic of interest under the guidance of mentors at the University of Rochester are invited to apply for this year's "Teacher as Scholar" program.

The two-week program, sponsored by the Office of Professional Development in the University's Margaret Warner Graduate School of Graduate Education and Human Development, focuses on a small group of educators working on individual projects that can be used in their home school districts.

The program will be offered from July 20 to 31 in Rush Rhees Library in the Treasure Room on the River Campus. The cost of the program is $315. An application and two letters of recommendation are due May 22.

Participants will receive orientation to a wide array of high- and low-tech library tools and methods available for research. In addition to time for independent study, participants can share the progress of their work in group sessions and individual conferences. Results of the research by participating teachers will be disseminated for use in their school districts.

Some topics researched in previous sessions included: curriculum development in interdisciplinary studies, teacher evaluation strategies, current research on dyslexia, and the personal essay in 20th-century America.

For more information and applications, call the Office of Professional Development at (585) 275-7833.