Latasha E. Shaw to Receive Inaugural Award Posthumously

University of Rochester President Joel Seligman today announced the creation of the Staff Community Service Award in a statement to the University community. An excerpt of his communication follows:

"I am today establishing the Staff Community Service Award. Annually, an award of $2,500, which I shall personally fund, shall be made to honor a University of Rochester non-management staff member whose career best exemplifies service to the University of Rochester or the greater Rochester community.

"The initial recipient of the award will be Latasha E. Shaw. The prize will be awarded to the Latasha Shaw Foundation.

"The tragic death of Latasha E. Shaw on September 29th has deeply affected many of us in the University of Rochester community. It is saddening enough to lose any employee at the age of 36, but so much harder to bear when she was fatally stabbed when she went to an intersection in northwest Rochester where her daughter earlier had been assaulted.

"Her life was a testament to the value she placed in helping others. She was a friend to many at our University, a leader of the River Campus Chapter of SEIU Local 200 United, a woman of indomitable courage with great love for her family. She was also someone remembered for always smiling, for the joy she took in being with her friends, for her support of colleagues.

"In subsequent years, the Associate Vice President for Human Resources will chair a selection committee otherwise composed of non-management employees.

"The 2008 recipient will be honored at the Annual Employee Service Awards Dinner to be held in June 2008."

For the complete text of President Seligman's statement and more information about the Staff Community Service Award, visit: