The University of Rochester is launching an intensive 12- to 14-month program for college graduates and other professionals interested in gaining entrance to medical, dental, or veterinary school.

The Post-baccalaureate Pre-medical Program, which will begin in this summer, is primarily designed for people with outstanding academic records who did not earn the requisite credits for medical school as undergraduates.

"Rochester is the perfect place for such a program," says Peter Lennie, the Robert L. and Mary L. Sproull Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Sciences, and Engineering. "The close partnership between the College and the School of Medicine and Dentistry will provide an exceptional experience for students in the program, and I am delighted that we are introducing it."

The focused, accelerated curriculum will include sequenced courses in biology, chemistry, organic chemistry, and physics. Students will benefit from the discussion series "Pursuing a Life in Medicine," in which professors from the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry speak about their careers and research. Health professions advisors will help students plan appropriate programs, and coach them on writing the medical school admissions essay, financing medical school, and preparing for the interview.

Students will take most of their courses with full-time undergraduates. For the first few years of this post-baccalaureate program, the size is expected to remain between 15 and 20 students, offering these students the opportunity to work closely with advisors to tailor their pre-medical education to their needs.

For more information about the Post-baccalaureate Pre-medical Program, contact Academic Counselor Juliet Sullivan at 585-275-4559 or at