Beginning in fall 2009, qualified veterans may attend the University of Rochester's College of Arts, Sciences, and Engineering and the Eastman School of Music undergraduate studies program. Their tuition will be funded through a combination of their benefits under the revised GI Bill, federal and state aid for which they are eligible, and the new Rochester Pledge Scholarship. Veterans with less than the 36 months of service needed for the full scholarship will be eligible for Pledge scholarships pro-rated based on their length of service.

"The revised GI Bill recognizes that individuals who have sacrificed their time and other opportunities in service deserve access to the best higher education the nation can afford. The University of Rochester is one of the places where many can excel and train for continuing leadership," said Jonathan Burdick, dean of admissions and financial aid.

While the number of currently enrolled veterans at the University is small, the Rochester Pledge Scholarship hopes to attract veterans who want to pursue undergraduate degrees in fields including music, health care, and engineering. The scholarship serves to ensure that no student who is pursuing a bachelor's degree faces financial barriers while attending the College and Eastman School of Music.

Veterans seeking to enroll with Pledge support will complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to determine their federal and state need-based eligibility. In combination with veteran's benefits and other federal and state funding, each student's Rochester Pledge scholarship will cover the remainder of the tuition bill. Veterans requiring extra assistance may seek additional University sources of aid through the College Board's CSS PROFILE analysis service. The University of Rochester meets the demonstrated financial need of every undergraduate.

Veterans seeking to enter as first-year or transfer students must meet normal admissions requirements. Academic and student services such as college advising and the counseling center are expanding their serves as a central resource for veterans. Other planned programs include a special orientation event, guaranteed apartment-style housing, and parking and priority enrollment for veterans.