The University Health Services opened their new building with a ribbon-cutting ceremony on September 18. Formerly, UHS had offices in five different locations throughout the University campus, now the new facility, which is located next to Susan B. Anthony Residence Halls, brings together UHS medical care services, physical therapy, health promotion, and administrative offices, and the University Counseling Center.

The UHS is the primary health-care stop for Arts, Sciences & Engineering students, as well as faculty, staff, and other members of the University community. With its proximity to River Campus students and the freshmen residential buildings, the UHS will become much more student-centered. The UHS operates year-long, and during the academic year is open 7 days a week.

President Joel Seligman, Provost Ralph Kuncl, UHS Director Ralph Manchester, and Board of Trustees member Roger Friedlander were joined by Lisa Willis and Ann McMican in cutting the ribbon. Following the ceremony, the UHS celebrated the rededication of the Reifler Conference Room in honor of Clifford Reifler, professor emeritus of psychiatry and director emeritus of the University Health Service.