The University of Rochester's Women's Caucus and 16 other student organizations are responding to National Sexual Assault Awareness Month (April) with a week-long series of educational programs focused on sexual assault prevention. Events for the week include a self-defense workshop, film screening, and a campus march against violence. Co-sponsors for the week are Active Minds, Delta Gamma, Delta Upsilon, Gamma Phi Beta, KASA, Kappa Delta, NOC, Omega Phi Beta, Phi Kappa Tau, RSFL, SALSA, Sigma Beta Rho, Sigma Nu, Sigma Psi Zeta, UCGWS, and VOX.

The week's activities include:
The Clothesline Project
Sunday, April 5, 2009, Hirst Lounge
The Clothesline Project displays shirts designed by UR community members who have experienced violence against women or know someone who has. The shirts hang side-by-side in solidarity for survivors while educating the public. A table will be in Wilson Commons from 11am-7pm on April 6-10 where people can confidentially share their stories.

Self-Defense Workshop
Monday, April 6, 2009: 8:30-9:30pm, Georgen MAC Room
Participants will learn self-defense at this interactive workshop, led by UR Tae Kwon Do.

Welcome to the Party
Tuesday, April 7, 2009: 6:30-7:30pm, Friel Lounge of Susan B. Hall
This program will begin with the screening of a recently-made film about sexual assault on American college campuses and end with a discussion on preventing sexual assault and the resources available on campus. Facilitated by: UHS, UCC, and The University Intercessor.

Program with Rape Crisis Services
Wednesday, April 8, 2009: 7:30-8:30pm, Wilson Commons 121
Rape Crisis Services, a division of Planned Parenthood of the Rochester/Syracuse Region, will describe resources available off-campus for survivors of sexual assault and abuse.

Take Back the Night
Thursday, April 9, 2009: 6:00-7:30pm, Havens Lounge Wilson Commons
Through sharing personal stories and a campus-wide march, Take Back the Night encourages discussion surrounding rape, sexual assault, and domestic violence. The program begins in Havens Lounge and culminates with a march across campus.

Cell Phone Drive for Verizon Hopeline Ends (Begins Monday April 6)
Friday, April 10, 2009: 5:00pm, Rush Rhees Circulation Desk
Donate your no-longer used wireless phone to the Rush Rhees Circulation Desk, the ID Office in Sue B., or River Campus Bookstore. Phones will be reprogrammed by Verizon Wireless and distributed to domestic violence shelters for emergency purposes. Please place your phone in a bag with the charger.

FOR MORE INFORMATION: Anyone interested in attending the events can email Julianne Nigro at