More than 40 University of Rochester pre-freshmen are spending four weeks on campus participating in rigorous academic and social enrichment programs designed to create a smooth transition from high school to college. As part of a new community service initiative for the program, the students will volunteer at the North East Area Development, Inc. Children's Defense Fund Freedom School, painting, weeding, and mulching around the facility on Saturday, July 18 from 8:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

The students enrolled in the Early Connection Opportunity (ECO) program and the Arthur O. Eve Higher Education Opportunity Program (HEOP) take mathematics, writing, literature, biology, and chemistry courses. The students also attend a series of workshops on using the University's computing facilities for writing papers, analyzing data, creating graphics, and using the University's electronic mail system.

In addition to academic and social preparation, New York State colleges and universities that offer opportunity programs like ECO and HEOP are participating in the state-wide community service initiative, which spans the week of July 12 to July 19. The goal of the week is to encourage students to reach out to local community and introduce them to volunteer opportunities they can become involved in throughout their college career.

For more information, call Walisa Griffin, Coordinator of ECO and 585-275-0651 or e-mail