Today New York State Gov. David A. Paterson announced that, as part of the New York State Higher Education Capital (HECap) Matching Grant Program, the University of Rochester will receive $2.18 million for capital projects. The money will be used to renovate Wilson Commons and upgrade fire safety systems in the University's largest residence hall. They were two of 48 capital projects approved for 39 colleges across New York State.

Through HECap, the University will receive $1.24 million to support a $5 million renovation of Wilson Commons. Located at the heart of the residential quad, the Wilson Commons dining facility is one of the most frequented dining locations on the River Campus. The renovations will increase food service stations to accommodate the increasing number of students attending the University. In conjunction with the expansion of the service area, mechanical systems, including the 33-year-old heating, ventilation, and air conditioning unit, will be upgraded.

The University also received $944,000 toward the total cost of $3.78 million for a fire protection system upgrade in Susan B. Anthony Residence Halls. While all residential life buildings are fully compliant with the relevant fire codes, the upgrades will offer detection and suppression systems, including the installation of new alarms and sprinklers. The upgrades are part of the University's ongoing efforts to improve emergency response safety systems on campus.

In 2005, the Higher Education Capital Matching Grants Program was passed by the New York State Legislature, approved by the governor, and funded by bonds issued by the Dormitory Authority of the State of New York (DASNY). For every $1 in state matching funds, independent colleges and universities must provide $3 in support of their projects.

Along with the University, other area colleges to receive HECap funding include the Rochester Institute of Technology and Nazareth College.