At the University of Rochester, April and May don't mean just the beginning of spring, it's also fellowship selection season, and some of Rochester's brightest are learning that they've been selected as Fulbright Scholars. This highly selective program provides students the opportunity to study, teach, and conduct research abroad. As of today, with more announcements likely in the weeks ahead, seven students have been named 2010 Fulbright Scholars and two students have been named Fulbright Alternates. The recipients are:

Sara DuBois '10, English Teaching Assistant Grant, Russia
Aynsley Duncan '10, English Teaching Assistant, Korea
Elizabeth Gabster '10, English Teaching Assistant Grant, Poland
Anita Hargrave '10, Study/Research Grant, Ecuador
Elise Russell '10, English Teaching Assistant, Malaysia
Judith Tulkoff '10, English Teaching Assistant, Indonesia
Andre Washington '10, Study/Research Grant, France
Michael Kaufman '10, Fulbright Alternate, France
Rachel Odhner '10, Fulbright Alternate, Ecuador

In addition, Sara Goico '09, who was named a 2009 Fulbright Alternate to Argentina, was recently selected to serve as an English Teaching Assistant in Peru.

Interested in learning more about Rochester's newest scholars? Visit for updates and profiles of each student.