WHAT: From studying the intricacies of the human brain to learning about the Italian culture, students in the Rochester Scholars program at the University of Rochester engage in hands-on classroom activities during their spring break. Taught by University graduate students and leading local educators, the Rochester Scholars academic enrichment program provides students from the Greater Rochester area in grades 9-12 with the opportunity to experience a taste of college life. Courses are not for credit- just for fun!

DATE, PLACE: April 19-23, River Campus and Medical Center

Please choose a class from the below selections:
Picture This: Tell a Story with Photographs
9 a.m. to 12 p.m., River Campus
In this course, students will learn how to use photography to tell a story. Students will look at iconic photographs and discuss what graphic elements create a great photograph. This class will allow students to learn how to write captions, use basic Photoshop tools, and create a compelling photo story and possible portfolio piece.

Microchips in a Macro World
9 a.m. to 12 p.m., River Campus
Students will explore the exciting world of nanoscale electronics by observing real microchips using a microscope. This course teaches students how to design these complex tiny black boxes, each containing more than a billion devices. Each student will have the opportunity to design a very simple building block of a microchip using a computer-aided design tool. Career opportunities in industry and academy will be introduced.

The War Room: Strategies of a Battle Plan
9 a.m. to 12 p.m., River Campus
From the French and Indian War through present-day conflicts, students taking The War Room will discover how America has drawn inspiration from the likes of Alexander the Great and Napoleon to carve out ambitious battle plans. From brilliance to cowardice, students will hear the stories and military strategies that aren't covered in everyday history class.

What's Up Doc? Exploring the Pre-med Experience
9 a.m. to 12 p.m., Medical Center
What's it like to be a physician? What does it take to become a doctor? Students enrolled in this course will meet with practicing physicians, medical students, and other experts in the field of medicine. They'll explore hands-on medical procedures, examine equipment, and discuss medical ethics and the role of the physician.

Italy! Customs, Culture, and Cuisine!
1 p.m. to 4 p.m., River Campus
Manga! Manga! Manga! Students in this course will learn about some of the most well-known and loved culture, customs, and cuisine of Italy. Hands-on activities include regional cooking and traditional arts and games such as bocce and Venetian vase creations.

Brainiac! The Basics of the Brain, Nerves, Synapses, and Circuits
1 p.m. to 4 p.m., Medical Center
Rochester Scholars enrolled in Brainiac! will see what a human brain looks like, literally, inside and out. They'll learn the fundamentals of neuroscience and explore how a neurologist can examine a brain without actually seeing it, then use what they learn to solve a medical case. Students also will make their own model of a developing brain.

Final Day Presentation
Friday 4/23 - 12-1 p.m., Interfaith Chapel Lower Lever, River Campus
Through demonstrations and poster displays, students present what they have learned over the course of the week. Open to friends, family, and community members.

FOR MORE INFORMATION: Media interested in covering Rochester Scholars should call Melissa Greco Lopes at 585.276.3693 or 585.260.6666 to schedule a visit.