The University of Rochester's chapter of Habitat for Humanity has been selected to receive a $2,000 grant from State Farm to continue its efforts to build safe, affordable homes for residents in Rochester. The University's chapter is one of 29 campus chapters to be awarded a matching grant from State Farm, the national corporate sponsor of Habitat for Humanity's youth programs. To qualify for the grant, the chapter must raise a matching amount.

"This grant is an unbelievable opportunity and signifies the great strides our club has made in the last few years," said Aaron Eisenberg '12, an executive board member and the chapter's build chair. "We intend to use funds from the grant to co-sponsor a house this spring, our second in two years."

The chapter has held several fundraisers this past fall to raise matching funds, including a nail driving contest, goodie glass sale, and a gingerbread house building contest. In the spring, the group plans to hold its annual Row for Humanity and Square Foot Sale events.

Rochester's chapter, which was founded in 1995, works in partnership with local affiliate Flower City Habitat. Through its history, the chapter has volunteered on dozens of sites. In 2009, the group was able to partially sponsor a house after raising $10,000 for construction costs.

For more information about the campus chapter, e-mail or visit