Donald E. Smith, a former vice president for University relations and development, died Thursday (Oct. 28) in Rancho Santa Fe, California, at the age of 74.

"Don was a very, very dedicated worker -- very imaginative as an administrator," said McCrea Hazlett, professor emeritus of English and former University provost and vice president.

"Don Smith was probably the most competent development officer I've known," said Roger Lathan, vice president and general secretary of the University. "He was the founder of the University's first development program, and he led two major capital campaigns for the institution."

Mr. Smith started working at the University in 1958 as director of University relations. In 1961, he was named to the vice presidential post. He left in 1970 to set up his own consulting firm in Rochester, and its clients included the University of Rochester.

In 1976, he joined Southern Methodist University as vice president for university relations. He retired in 1984 and moved with his wife, Nathalie, to California, but continued to consult for a number of institutions including the University of California at San Diego and the Rand Corporation.

A graduate of Worcester Polytechnic Institute, he earned a master of arts degree from Clark University. He returned to Worcester Polytechnic to teach, and then to work as the secretary-treasurer of its alumni association. He joined Washington and Lee University in 1953 as director of development.

A memorial service was held in Rancho Santa Fe on Sunday. Survivors include his wife; a brother, Dr. Richard C. Smith, of Duarte, California; three children, Douglas J. Smith, of Rochester, David Smith, of Houston, Texas, and Deborah Schmidt, of Escondido, California; and four grandchildren.
