Thirty-two University of Rochester students recently presented their research at the 2011 Undergraduate Research Exposition on April 15th. The Expo included a speaker's symposium, poster fair, and awards ceremony. Awards were given to the top symposium and poster participants and were chosen by a panel of faculty judges.

The Undergraduate Research Exposition is a College-wide event that gives undergraduate students the opportunity to present the academic research they've conducted throughout the year. The Expo showcases the passion that both professors and students have for investigative, creative research.

The symposium allowed 12 students representing the four distinct disciplinary sections of the College: humanities, natural sciences, social sciences, and engineering, to present their research topics and take questions from fellow students. The poster presentation fair then served as a venue for all presenters to showcase their findings to the College community. It was immediately followed by the awards ceremony, which included the presentation of the President's Prize, the Deans' Prizes and the Professors' Choice Awards.

The following Rochester students were awarded the President's Prize, given to the top four presentations from the four disciplinary areas of the Symposium:

The following students were presented with the Deans' Award, awarded to the eight other participants in the symposium:

The following students were presented with the Professors' Choice Awards, given to four students participating in the Poster Presentation Fair:

The following students were selected to present research at the poster fair: