Choreographer Stephanie Skura will present a new work titled "Disintegrating Joke" at 7 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 8, in the Dance Studio of Spurrier Hall on the University of Rochester's River Campus. The program is free and open to the public.

In the piece, which examines the subconscious and humor, a speaker begins to tell a joke, has to start over, and free associates toward the punchline.

In addition, audience members will be invited to participate in writing experiments involving the subconscious. Paper will be provided, but participants will need to bring pens.

Skura had her own touring dance company for 10 years before moving from New York City to Seattle in 1993. For the past four years, she has performed as a dance soloist in poetry venues in collaboration with various poets and has been extensively involved in writing. She has performed her poetry duet work at various venues in the Puget Sound area, include the Seattle Poetry Festival and Red Sky Poetry Theater.

Skura's presentation is sponsored by the University's Dance Program. For more information, call (585) 273-5150.