DATE, TIME, AND PLACE: 5:30 a.m. Wednesday, Jan. 25, to 5:50 a.m. Friday, Jan. 27, at Webster Schroeder High School, 875 Ridge Road.

WHAT: Webster Schroeder High School teacher Paul Valenti is camping out on the school roof for 48 hours to help children and families at Mt. Hope Family Center. The "Raising on the Roof" fundraiser is part of a senior-year community service project by Webster Schroeder students Andy Stein, Anthony Rozzano, Abby Ryan, and Liliya Dzundza.

Valenti agreed to stay on the school roof one minute for every dollar raised, up to 48 hours. Now in its second year, the event last year raised $3000. Hoping to top that amount, students this year have raised nearly $1,000 from family, fellow students, and members of the Schroeder community, including a generous gift from Elmer W. Davis Roofing.

They hope to raise the rest from online gifts at and during the Schroeder vs. Penfield boy's varsity basketball game Wednesday, Jan. 25, at 7:45 p.m. at Schroeder High School. Valenti will broadcast a message to the students during the game encouraging attendees to give.

Proceeds will support the child abuse prevention programs at the University of Rochester's Mt. Hope Family Center, one of the nation's leading research sites for the study of trauma on child development and family relationships and one of the region's most valuable resources for children and parents in crisis, helping more than 800 families annually.

INTERVIEWS: Valenti is available for weather updates and interviews while on the roof.

FOR MORE INFORMATION: Sarah Smith at 275-2991 x 238, or