Four graduate students from the University of Rochester's Program in Visual and Cultural Studies will host a series of alternative film screenings during the last week of March and in April centered on communities and issues of belonging, collectivity, and inclusion.

"In the wake of a year marked by global uprisings, we wanted to have something that feels like part of the cultural atmosphere, where different people with intellectual backgrounds could come together to talk and generate conversations," said Ryan Cornrath, one of the series' co-programmers.

The project, titled OnFilm, began in 2009 with the mission to show rarely-seen films from around the word, centered on a select theme, "with the hopes of making the series more about the ideas than the auteurs, regions, or genres," said Cornrath. The films also are shown in their original formats that range from 16 and 35mm prints to films shot on digital formats.

Co-organized by Ph.D. students Shota Ogawa, Zainab Saleh, Zach Rottman, and with support from VCS, the series is free and open to the public. For additional information visit,

Tuesday, March 27, 7 p.m.
Screenings of This is Not a Film (2010, Jafar Panahi) and Silent Light (2007, Carlos Reygadas)
University of Rochester River Campus Hoyt Auditorium

Wednesday, April 4, 7 p.m.
Screenings of The Decay of Fiction (2002, Pat O'Neill) and Bedwin Hacker (2001, Nadia El Fani)
University of Rochester River Campus
Hoyt Auditorium

Thursday, April 12, 7 p.m.
Screenings of Spend it All (1971, Les Blank) and Filmmaking and the Way to the Village (1973, Fukuda Katsuhiko)
University of Rochester River Campus
Meliora 203

Thursday, April 19, 7 p.m.
Screenings of 12 Angry Lebanese: The Documentary (Zeina Daccache, 2009) and Together
(2000, Lucas Moodysson)
University of Rochester River Campus
Hoyt Auditorium