Director Piotr Uzarowicz available for interviews

DATE, TIME, AND PLACE: Saturday, April 28 at 3:00 p.m. at the Little Theatre, 240 East Avenue

WHAT: Screening of the documentary The Officer's Wife (2010), followed by a question-and-answer session with director Piotr Uzarowicz. He is also available for in-person media interviews Saturday, April 28, or by phone on request.

For seventy years, the Russian murder of some 22,000 Polish officers and intelligentsia during World War II was kept secret by both Russia and the Allies. The Officer's Wife exposes that tragedy with the eyewitness testimony from numerous family members of the victims of Katyn and the insights from preeminent historians of the era. The story has personal meaning for director Piotr Uzarowicz. Upon the death of his father, the Polish-American filmmaker discovered his grandmother's memoirs, old photos of an army officer, and a mysterious postcard that linked to the Katyn Forest massacre.

The family tragedy that is a direct result of Katyn is rarely, if ever, discussed. Two million families — mostly wives, children, and direct relatives of the murdered officers — were taken from their homes in Poland and deported to Siberia by the Soviets in 1940 and the U.S. and Great Britain took an active role the cover up. Over half were dead within one year. The few who did escape found themselves pawns of both British and US agencies that told them they could not discuss what happened. This is their story.

"I watched THE OFFICER'S WIFE with gripping intensity and outraged emotions. It is a most effective presentation of the overall context of the crime." - Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski, Former NSA Director.
"THE OFFICER'S WIFE presents Katyn and its aftermath like no other film - it is deeply moving." - Alex Storozynski, President & Executive Director, The Kosciuszko Foundation.

ADMISSION: $8.00 at the Little Theatre box office before the screening

FOR MORE INFORMATION: Bozenna Sobolewska at 585-275-9898 or