Ten graduating seniors in the Department of Anthropology will present final projects that range from an online museum exhibit of the Aran Islands to accounts of domestic violence from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 18, in Hirst Lounge of Wilson Commons on the University of Rochester's River Campus.

The students developed and carried out their work by conducting ethnographic research in the United States and abroad. The projects are: "The Aran Islands, Ireland: A Cultural and Literary Exhibit" by Leigh Alexander; "The Journey of a Lifetime: An Anthropological Account of the Study Abroad Experience" by Rachel Aurelia; "Translations for Fifty-Six Degrees of Latitude: Short Stories from Samoa" by Val Burch; "What About Men?: Visualizing the Body in American Culture" by Jusmeen Dhanjal; "AIDS in Africa: Unveiling the Crisis" by Krista Hanypsiak and Rachel Shaner; "Cultural Relativism for Conflict Prevention" by Nathan Heilmann; "Whose Labor is on Your Back?" by Moria Holland; "Developing a Development NGO: The World Education Fund for Women" by Joe Lanning; and "Exposing Our Secret: Domestic Violence Victims Use Their Voice to Challenge American Misconceptions" by Grace Pazdan.

Visitors are welcome to view the projects on display and question students about their research methods and conclusions. The senior seminar is taught by Ayala Emmett, associate professor of anthropology.