Fundraising event will benefit Prevent Child Abuse New York

WHO: University of Rochester Kappa Delta Sorority invites community members to participate in the Shamrock 5K Run, their annual fundraiser for Prevent Child Abuse New York.

TIME, DATE, PLACE: Registration begins at 10 a.m., Children's Fun Run begins at 10:30 a.m., and the 5K begins at 11 a.m., on Saturday, Sept. 29, at Dandelion Square on the University of Rochester's River Campus.

ABOUT THE SHAMROCK EVENT: Since 1981, Kappa Delta chapters nationwide have raised over $7.1 million to help prevent child abuse nationally. The Kappa Delta chapter at the University of Rochester hosts the Shamrock 5K Run to increase awareness of the cause and raise funds for Prevent Child Abuse New York.

The event includes a Children's Fun Run, which begins at 10:30 a.m., followed by the traditional 5K Run/Walk at 11 a.m. Registration is $7 for children under 12, $15 for adults (before September 24), or $20 after. Participants can register online or on the day of the race; beginning at 10 a.m. Registration includes a runner's t-shirt, BBQ lunch, and raffle ticket. The event also features performances by various student performance groups and access to a bounce house.

FOR MORE INFORMATION: Additional information can be found at the Shamrock Facebook event page or by contacting Marion Ting by email at or by phone at 646.599.5012.