Fredrick C. Harris, assistant professor of political science at the University of Rochester, has been selected as a visiting scholar by the Russell Sage Foundation for the 1998-99 academic year.

The foundation provides funds to leading social scientists to pursue research and writing projects that reflect the foundation's commitment to strengthening the social sciences and applying research more effectively to important social problems. Eighteen scholars have been chosen by the foundation, which has offices in New York City.

While on leave from the University, Harris will continue his work on comparing aspects of the role of race and politics in three countries: South Africa, Great Britain and the United States. He is examining how the meaning of race differs from society to society, and what are the political implications of "race" in the context of those three nations.

Last spring, Harris organized a conference at the University on race and the development of American politics and society. His work on African-American politics also includes research on how religion has mobilized African-American political activism.

Harris, who earned his doctorate from Northwestern University, joined the Department of Political Science in 1994.