What's the status of the development projects proposed for Rochester: the fast ferry, soccer stadium, performing arts center, and transit center?

A panel of local leaders will examine issues surrounding these projects, including funding and their impact on the Rochester area, at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 26, at the Inn on Broadway, 26 Broadway, in downtown Rochester.

Panelists for the discussion of "Rochester Big-Ticket Projects" include Rochester Mayor Bill Johnson; University of Rochester Provost Charles Phelps; Frank DuRoss, president of Rochester Raging Rhinos soccer; and Arnold Rothschild, chairman of the Rochester Broadway Theatre League. Moderator is Curt Smith, senior lecturer in English at the University of Rochester and a former speechwriter for President George H.W. Bush.

Admission is $5 per person and reservations can be made by calling the University of Rochester's Fairbank Alumni House at (585) 273-5888. Refreshments will be served.