The University of Rochester's Department of Political Science is continuing its Riker Seminars in Political Science with lectures by Rochester faculty and political scientists from other universities. Seminars are scheduled from 3:30 to 5 p.m. Fridays in Room 329 of Harkness Hall on the River Campus.

John Huber, associate professor of political science at Columbia University, will lecture on "Legislative Influence, Bureaucratic Discretion, and Medicaid Policymaking in the American States" April 9. There is no lecture Friday, April 16.

The series resumes on April 23 when Jeremy J. Waldron will discuss "Cultural Identity and Civic Responsibility." Waldron is the Maurice and Hilda Friedman Professor of Law and director of the Center for Law and Philosophy at Columbia Law School.

On April 30, David P. Baron will speak on "Legislative Organization with Informational Committees." Baron is the William R. Kimball Professor of Business, Economics and the Environment at the Stanford Graduate School of Business.

All seminars are free and open to the University Community.