Rochester Mayor William A. Johnson, Jr. and Monroe County Executive John D. Doyle have declared Nov. 5 as University of Rochester Day. On that date in 1850, opening exercises were held and soon classes began.

The joint proclamation from the mayor and county executive commended the University for, among other achievements, "developing programs of research and instruction that are internationally renown" and for "the admission of women in 1900, before women had obtained the right to vote." Lois J. Giess, president of the City Council and a graduate of the University, and Dennis A. Pelletier, president of the County Legislature, also signed the proclamation.

New York Gov. George E. Pataki sent a letter of congratulations to the University community acknowledging the successes of the institution on its 150th anniversary. The governor wrote that the University of Rochester "instills students not only with academic excellence, but also enriches their lives with solid values, a sense of civic duty and leadership skills, which are essential to achieving success in life."

State Sen. Jim Alesi also recognized the anniversary of the founding of the University and its accomplishments with a proclamation. In his salute, he made special mention of this year as the 75th anniversary of the University of Rochester Medical Center.

Sandra L. Frankel, town supervisor in Brighton where the South Campus is located, singled out the University as an important contributor to the Rochester community. In a proclamation, she wrote that the sesquicentennial celebration is "a fitting tribute to the women and men who have served the school with distinction and also the school's graduates, who have made their mark in our community and throughout the world."