Three individuals have been appointed to key administrative positions in The College at the University of Rochester.

Sharon Watson Fluker is the new dean for sophomores. Since coming to the University two years ago, Fluker has been an assistant dean and director of minority student affairs. She will continue in that role while also advising sophomores. Fluker will continue to teach in the political science department, as well. She holds a doctorate in political science from Northwestern University.

Joanna Olmsted is the new associate dean of the faculties. In that role, she will help Richard Aslin, vice provost and dean of The College, review and evaluate leaves, reappointments, tenure decisions, and promotions. She also will be the primary interviewer of candidates for faculty positions, she will gather and evaluate information about faculty activities, and give advice about faculty development programs. Olmsted, professor of biology, will also teach and oversee her active research program.

Duncan Moore is the new dean of engineering and applied sciences. In this role, he will coordinate programs in the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. Moore, the Kingslake Professor of Optics and former director of the Institute of Optics, also will serve as associate dean for research for The College, advising vice provost Aslin about policies regarding sponsored research, and coordinating opportunities for external funding.
