The University of Rochester's Laboratory for Laser Energetics (LLE) is hosting the 10th meeting on "High-Temperature Plasma Diagnostics" next week at the Radisson Rochester Plaza. More than 250 scientists from around the world, including Russia, Europe, Japan and Canada, are attending the conference May 8-12.

Scientists will discuss systems for characterizing the conditions of highly ionized, high-temperature gases. Applications of the technology include thermonuclear fusion research, space physics, and industrial applications such as waste processing. More than 275 papers will be presented, the largest number ever for this conference.

Several Rochester scientists will be giving presentations. In an invited talk, Samuel Letzring, a senior scientist at the laboratory, will present an invited paper about the laser and plasma diagnostic systems on the laboratory's OMEGA Upgrade laser system. OMEGA, the largest laser in a university in the world, will have 60 beams and an energy output of 30 kilojoules when it begins operating next spring.

A conference banquet on Tuesday will feature John Huizenga, Tracy Hyde Harris Professor of Chemistry Emeritus, who will speak on "Cold Fusion and Pseudo Science."

Sponsors of the meeting include the American Physical Society, the Department of Energy, and LLE. tr