Diana Fuss, a scholar and writer on feminist theory, will deliver the annual Craig Owens Memorial Lecture and the Susan B. Anthony Institute Visiting Scholar's Lecture at 6 p.m. Friday, Nov. 22, in the Gowen Room of Wilson Commons on the University of Rochester's River Campus. Her talk is free and open to the public.

Fuss is associate professor of English at Princeton University, where she teaches feminist theory and is currently the department's director of graduate studies. She is the author of Essentially Speaking (1989) and Identification Papers (1995). Her edited collection, Inside/Out (1991), contains groundbreaking essays in what has come to be known as queer theory. She is also editor of the papers from the 1994 Harvard English Institute called Human, All Too Human.

Her current project-from which the lecture will be drawn-is a book about the houses of Emily Dickinson, Sigmund Freud, Helen Keller, and Marcel Proust. The lecture is titled "In Bed with Proust."

The Susan B. Anthony Institute for Gender and Women's Studies and the Program in Visual and Cultural Studies are presenting this event. The Owens lecture was created in memory of Craig Owens, who died of complications resulting from AIDS in 1990. He taught in the Department of Art and Art History from 1988 to 1990, and was one of the founders of the doctoral program in Visual and Cultural Studies.

This year's combined lecture is made possible by the College Dean's Office and is co-sponsored by the UR Graduate Organizing Group, the Film and Media Studies Program, and the Departments of Anthropology, Art and Art History, English, and Modern Languages and Cultures. For more information, contact (585) 275-9249.