For the sixth year, Mt. Hope Family Center will host a golf tournament to help support its child development and therapy programs in the community on Saturday,
Sept. 20, at Eagle Vale Golf Course, 4344 Nine Mile Point Road in Fairport.

The Borrelli-Morelli Golf Classic, named to honor two major supporters of the work of Mt. Hope Family Center, is open to golfers and non-golfers. For $85, golfers can enjoy a full day of golf, meals, entertainment, and prizes. Those interested in dinner can join the festivities for $25 a person. The deadline for registration is Sept. 17, and sponsorship opportunities are still available.

Fred Borrelli, former Mt. Hope administrator and current administrator of surgery at Strong Memorial Hospital, and Dave Morelli, a friend and golfing partner, created this popular event. "Mt. Hope has enriched our community with the many services they provide to struggling families," said Borrelli. "They are on the cutting edge of research discoveries in the field of child development, child maltreatment, psychopathology, and family violence--giving great hope to the future of our families." Marianne Borrelli and Anne Morrell, wives of the founders, are instrumental in the event's success and in many other activities that help to improve the well-being of children.

Mt. Hope Family Center is an internationally recognized treatment and research institute that promotes positive child development and healthy families under the direction of Dante Cicchetti, professor of psychology, psychiatry, and pediatrics at the University of Rochester. The center uses a community-supported, complete family approach to the prevention of child abuse and family violence. Located in the Corn Hill neighborhood of Rochester, the center is affiliated with the University of Rochester's Department of Clinical and Social Sciences in Psychology.

For more information about the tournament, contact Kathryn Karch or Debra Smarsh at (585) 275-2991.