A two-day program of talks, seminars, and discussions at the University of Rochester will explore educational programs that various colleges and universities around the country have organized under the "global studies" rubric.

The mini-conference on "Global Studies in the Curriculum" will be held Friday, April 18, and Saturday, April 19, in the Gamble Room of Rush Rhees Library on the River Campus. Attendance is free and open to the University community.

"We're going to be sharing ideas on what such programs should ideally include and will look at programs that already exist," said Theodore M. Brown, professor and chair of the Department of History and chair of the University's new Cluster in Global Studies. The history department is one of the first academic departments in the nation to offer global history as a major field of study in its master's and doctoral program.

The mini-conference starts at 2 p.m. Friday, April 18, with a presentation on "Globalization in World History" by Antony Hopkins, who holds the Walter Prescott Webb Chair in History at the University of Texas at Austin. Hopkins's seminar will look at how international developments following the events of September 11 could influence the future study of history.

At 4 p.m. on Friday, Giles Gunn will discuss "Global Studies at the University of California at Santa Barbara," where he is professor of English and chair of the Global Studies Faculty Advisory Committee. The mini-conference continues at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, April 19, with "The Friends World Model of Global Education," a talk by Kathleen Modrowski, director of Studies in North America for the Friends World Program located at Long Island University.

The program concludes at 11 a.m. on Saturday with "Science-Oriented Global Studies Programs," a presentation by Udo Fehn, professor in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at Rochester.

The schedule includes dinner on Friday and lunch on Saturday; reservations for the meals are needed and can be made by phone at (585) 275-2052 or e-mail at rahz@mail.rochester.edu

The mini-conference is sponsored by the Cluster in Global Studies, an interdisciplinary group of faculty from the College and all the Schools of the University. For more information, call (585) 275-2052.