The Hartnett Gallery will feature "The Transparency of Knowledge (Levret Version)," an installation inspecting female anatomy and reproduction from the perspective of the history of gynecology, from Monday, Nov. 18, until Wednesday, Dec. 18.

The exhibition is the work of Cristin Millett, assistant professor of art at The Pennsylvania State University in University Park, and represents an intersection of scientific ideas and aesthetic issues that give insight into societal attitudes about the female body.

Millett's art is research-based and focuses on society's fascination with and changing perceptions of female anatomy. She has studied collections of anatomical models, instruments, and historical texts in Italy, Great Britain, and across Europe. Her background is in metalsmithing, but she also includes sculptural applications such as foundry in her current work.

Millett has exhibited her work in Chicago, New York, Pittsburgh, and San Francisco, as well as in Beijing, China, and Sydney, Australia.

A reception with the artist will open the exhibition at 5 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 18. Admission to the gallery and to the exhibition reception is free.

The Hartnett Gallery is located in Wilson Commons on the River Campus and is open from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Friday and noon to 6 p.m. on weekends. For more information, call (585) 275-5911.