Marilyn Cochran-Smith, professor and chair of the Department of Teacher Education at Boston College's School of Education, will discuss ways to prepare and support the next generation of teachers at 7 p.m. Thursday, March 23, on the River Campus of the University of Rochester.

For more than 20 years, Cochran-Smith has worked with student teachers, experienced teachers, and other educators to understand and improve teaching, particularly in urban areas. She has written extensively on children's language and learning; race, diversity, and social justice in teaching; and on professional development for teachers.

Now the incoming vice president of the American Education Research Association, Cochran-Smith is looking closely at the national effort to raise standards in schools and what consequences that has on classroom teachers.

Cochran-Smith's talk, sponsored by the University's Margaret Warner Graduate School of Education and Human Development, will be held in room 1-101 of Dewey Hall. It is free and open to the public, but reservations are required by calling 275-7428.

This is the final talk in the Warner School's 1999-2000 Scandling Lecture Series on the theme of new directions for the future of teaching and teacher education.

For details, call (585) 275-3947.