Phi Kappa Tau Hosts 5K to Benefit SeriousFun Children's Network

WHO: University of Rochester students try to outrun a zombie plague in this ghoulish twist on the traditional 5K race.

WHEN: 4 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 2. The race will begin at Wilson Commons, weave through Mt. Hope Cemetery, and end back at Wilson Commons.

WHAT: Played by members of Phi Kappa Tau, a scattered horde of zombies will chase after runners as they make their way through Mt. Hope Cemetery during the 5K run. Each runner will start off with three "lives" (symbolized by red flags) which the zombies will attempt to take. Participants who run out of lives will turn into zombies, allowing them to steal a life from another runner and turn back into a human. At the end of the race, each life a runner finishes with will earn them a raffle ticket for a chance to win prizes donated by a host of area sponsors. Prizes also will be awarded for Best Costume, Best Costumed Team, and Best Survivalists (team with the highest average number of lives).

All proceeds from the run will benefit the SeriousFun Children's Network, a charity started by Phi Kappa Tau alumnus Paul Newman. The organization helps children suffering from serious illnesses a chance to attend a camp or program with their families. Since its inception in 1988, the SeriousFun Children's Network has grown to include camps in multiple countries, serving over 58,000 children every year.

The race is sponsored by Phi Kappa Tau, Deli Sandro's, California Rollin', Sodam, and Aja Noodle, among others.

FOR MORE INFORMATION: For more information about the Zombie SeriousFun Run, call on-site media contact Nick Benjamin at 607.643.1997.