Leading women in education, business and the professions will gather to discuss approaches to the politics of leadership and to offer tips and techniques for the advancement of women in the workplace at the third annual institute on educational leadership. The event will be held on Monday, Sept. 11, from 4 to 7:30 p.m. at the Holiday Inn Airport, Brooks Avenue at Interstate 390.

Focusing on this year's theme, "Navigating the Leadership Maze," participants will explore women's needs and management styles, tips on leveraging women's strengths and circumventing leadership obstacles, and advice for retaining and advancing women. "The purpose of the institute is to encourage and develop leadership in women who are interested in making a difference in and through education," says Edwardine Weaver, RSM, director of the Office of Professional Development of the University of Rochester's Margaret Warner Graduate School of Education and Human Development.

Mary Beth Schoening, a national consultant on successful advancement strategies for women in the workplace and co-founder of WorkVision, will give the opening address. Based in Boston, WorkVision is a consulting firm designed to enhance and promote effect roles for women in the workplace. Roundtable discussions, led by community business leaders, educators, and administrators, will also take place. Group leaders will include Kate Bennett, president of the Rochester Museum & Science Center; Sharon Falasco, licensed psychologist in private practice; Katherine Keough, president of St. John Fisher College; and Linda Kuk, vice president for student affairs at Rochester Institute of Technology.

The institute is presented by the Warner School's Office of Professional Development with collaboration and sponsorship of numerous Rochester-area educational organizations, school districts, businesses, and professional groups. Registration is $49, $47 for members of sponsoring groups, and $25 for full-time students. The registration deadline is Sept. 5.

For additional information, contact the Office of Professional Development at (585) 275-8270.