The University of Rochester's Laboratory for Laser Energetics (LLE) is establishing a Teaching Award for a local high school teacher who has instilled in his or her students an enthusiasm for science and technology.

Outstanding teachers have helped mold the dozens of high school students from the Rochester area who have participated in the laboratory's summer research program during the past six years. These students have attended seminars and performed research in a wide variety of areas, including optics, fusion, and related technologies. Some students have even won national science awards for their work, and several are now pursuing careers in science.

"We have benefitted from our interaction with these exceptional students and the enthusiasm they bring," says David Meyerhofer, associate professor of mechanical engineering and assistant to the director for academic affairs at LLE. "Their teachers share the credit."

The laboratory will award $1,000 to a teacher who has been particularly adept at fostering students' interest in science and technology. LLE will solicit recommendations from the alumni of its summer program and will also seek recommendations from local high school officials. For more information or to nominate a teacher, contact Dr. Meyerhofer at 275-0255.
