Performers from The Limón Dance Company, founded in 1946 and recognized as America's oldest repertory modern dance company, will do a lecture and demonstration at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 3, in Spurrier Gymnasium on the University of Rochester River Campus.

The event will include a performance of excerpts from The Winged, considered one of Jose Limón's most magical works. In the work Limón, a Mexican-born dancer and choreographer, explores flight as a release from man's earth-bound efforts to soar beyond gravity's confines. Limón premiered the work without music in 1966, six years before he died; it has recently been revived with a commissioned score and new costumes and lighting design.

The Limón technique, often associated with words and ideas like humanism and lyricism, is based on the movement style and philosophy of modern dance pioneers Doris Humphrey and Charles Weidman. The intent is to demonstrate human emotions in a less stylized manner than ballet, and to incorporate the natural movement patterns of the body and its relation to gravity.

The demonstration, which is free and open to the public, will be followed by a question-and-answer period. For more information contact the University's Dance Program office at 273-5150.

The Limón Dance Company is scheduled to perform at Nazareth College Arts Center Nov. 6. Its educational presentations are sponsored by the New York State DanceForce Project, a cooperative effort of the University of Rochester, SUNY College at Brockport, Nazareth College of Rochester, the School of the Arts, and the Aesthetic Education Institute.