Author and poet Li-Young Lee will give a reading at the University of Rochester at 7 p.m. on Thursday, March 15, in the Interfaith Chapel on the River Campus. This event is part of the 39th season of the Hyam Plutzik Memorial Poetry Series in conjunction with The Donald R. Clark Enrichment Program in the Humanities.

Lee has published two books of poems and a prose memoir. His most recent collection of poetry, The City in Which I Love You, was the Lamont Poetry Selection of the Academy of American Poets. His first publication, Rose, received New York University's Delmore Schwartz Memorial Poetry Award.

Lee's other honors include grants from the National Endowment for the Arts, the Illinois Arts Council, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and the Pennsylvania Council of the Arts. He has also received a Writer's Award from the Mrs. Giles Whiting Foundation and a Guggenheim Fellowship.

Lee was born in Indonesia and immigrated to America as a young child. He often reflects upon his past in his writing about love, family, and everyday experiences. Lee received his bachelor of science degree in biochemistry from the University of Pittsburgh.

As part of his visit to Rochester, Lee will participate in a student roundtable discussion. For more information, contact the Department of English at (716) 275-4092.