The Kresge Foundation has awarded the University of Rochester a $1 million challenge grant toward the renovation and expansion of the athletic complex on the River Campus. Conditions of the grant require raising approximately $4 million by the completion of the project in October 2000.

"This generous gift from The Kresge Foundation supports our comprehensive efforts to enhance the student experience, both academically and in terms of extracurricular opportunities," said Thomas H. Jackson, University president. "Our Renaissance Plan has attracted higher achieving students to a campus where the residential experience is prized. The athletic center plays a vital part in creating a vibrant community in this academic setting."

More than $10.6 million has been raised in the $14.5 million campaign to completely reconstruct the interior of Alumni Gym and make substantial improvements to the Palestra and other parts of the complex. Robert B. Goergen, chairman of the University Board of Trustees and an alumnus, has pledged $5 million toward the renovation of the facility. Completion is targeted for fall 2000 with the complex to be named the Robert B. Goergen Athletic Center.

The Kresge Foundation grants are intended to stimulate increased donor participation and giving. They are made on a challenge basis, requiring the raising of the remaining funds in a campaign.

The foundation, which is located in Troy, Mich., supports institutions operating in the areas of higher education, health and long-term care, arts and humanities, human services, science and the environment, and public affairs. It is an independent, private foundation created by the personal gifts of Sebastian S. Kresge. As of this month, the foundation has awarded 165 grants for a total of $88.2 million in 1999.

Rochester's athletic complex will include a new, inviting entrance; a fitness center and new multi-use rooms; enlargement of the basketball court to meet NCAA Division III standards; renovation of the spectator area of the pool; relocation of the coaches' offices; and installation of air conditioning in Alumni Gym, the pool, and squash courts.