WHO: More than 100 University of Rochester students, many of the men wearing women's high heels, will stand up to sexual violence through the campus's first Walk a Mile in Her Shoes® march.

TIME, DATE, PLACE: 1 to 3 p.m. on Saturday, March 22. The walk begins at Rettner Hall (located next to Wilson Commons on Wilson Quad) and will weave through the River Campus.

ABOUT WALK A MILE: Walk a Mile in Her Shoes® is an internationally recognized campaign that asks men to literally walk one mile in women's high heeled shoes to protest sexual violence. Sponsored by the University of Rochester's Survivor Empowerment Group (SEGway) and the UHS Health Promotion Office, organizers hope the march will help facilitate a more open dialogue within the campus community about sexual violence and domestic violence. SEGway, a student-run organization that educates and raises awareness about sexual violence at the University, also aims to provide a welcoming, supportive community to survivors of sexual violence through programming and advocacy.

FOR MORE INFORMATION: Call on-site media contact Emily Sumner at 781.258.2616 or email esumner@u.rochester.edu.