The University of Rochester's Warner Graduate School of Education and Human Development will present Alfie Kohn, author and lecturer on human behavior, education, and social theory, at its annual assessment conference at 4 p.m. Oct. 7 at Brighton High School.

Kohn will give the keynote address on student motivation at the conference, titled "Performance Assessment vs. Motivation to Learn." He is the author of Punished By Rewards: The Trouble with Gold Stars, Incentive Plans, A's, Praise and Other Bribes along with other books and articles that criticize competition and rewards. His writings, lectures, and appearances on television and radio have helped reshape the thinking of parents, educators and business executives about motivation.

The address by Kohn, a former teacher with degrees from Brown University and the University of Chicago, will be followed by a panel discussion with William Cala, superintendent of the Fairport Central School District; Jody Siegle, a member of the Brighton School District Board of Education; and Richard Ryan. Ryan is professor of clinical and social psychology at the University and a researcher on human motivation. The audience will be encouraged to participate in a follow-up discussion.

For registration, call Edwardine Weaver, RSM, director of the Office of Professional Development at the Warner School, at (585) 275-8270. Registration is $35; special group rates are available. Pre-registration is due Sept. 25.

Refreshments are included for participants beginning at 3:30 p.m. Parking is free at the Brighton High School lot on South Winton Road.