The Yellowjackets, one of the University of Rochester's all-male a cappella groups, will give a performance at 8 p.m., on Sunday, April 22, in Strong Auditorium on the River Campus.

The performance, titled "Yellowjackets Senior Farewell," is an opportunity for the Yellowjackets to pay tribute to three of their members who will be graduating in May- Jordan Pique, Ben Jacoby, and Will Jennings. Each of these seniors will also perform a solo selected specifically for this performance.

Directed by Jennings, the Yellowjackets will perform some of their most popular hits. Much of the concert will come from songs on their as-of-yet-untitled 11th album, which will be released in September.

The Yellowjackets, who got their start by breaking away from the University Glee Club in 1956, currently tour the country every winter break. Having traveled as far as California and the White House, they host large concerts in Strong Auditorium four times a year.

Tickets for this performance are $5 and can be purchased at the door or in advance beginning April 15 at the Common Market in Wilson Commons. Please contact the College Music Department at (585) 275-2828 at least five days in advance to request any special accommodations.