David T. Kearns and Edwin I. Colodny, co-chairman of the University of Rochester's Campaign for the '90s, have named Robert "Bud" Frame, of Brighton, N.Y., as chairman of a special Rochester-area campaign effort for the University of Rochester's River Campus core programs.

Named as co-chairs for the effort, which is part of the $375 million Campaign for the '90s, are Halford B. Johnson, of Pittsford, and Ronald B. Knight, of Pittsford.

This core campaign will focus on gifts from Rochester-area alumni and friends of the University for endowment, student scholarships, the libraries, and sports and recreation. This part of the Campaign for the '90s has a national goal of $175 million -- the largest subgoal within the University-wide campaign.

Frame, a 1953 graduate, is president of Forbes Product Corporation, Rush, N.Y.

Johnson is a 1952 graduate. He is president of The Johnson Organization, Ltd., of East Rochester, N.Y. with offices in Vermont and Florida.

Knight, who graduated in 1961, is vice president, quality, for Xerox Corporation's Document Production Systems Division.

To date, the Campaign for the '90s has raised $280 million toward the $375 million goal.

Continuing local efforts for other divisions of the University include the Campaign for the Medical Center, headed by Angelo Costanza, of Rochester, and Ernest I. Reveal, of Rochester, raising funds for Strong Memorial Hospital, Strong Children's Medical Center, School of Medicine, and School of Nursing.
