The University of Rochester's Women's Caucus is sponsoring a 5K Run at 11 a.m. on Saturday, April 21, on the University of Rochester River Campus.

Money raised from the run will support women of Afghanistan through Women's Caucus's parent organization, the Feminist Majority Foundation. The foundation's Campaign to End Gender Apartheid in Afghanistan works with women and children refugees in camps just outside of Afghanistan's borders. Among other means of support, the foundation provides scholarships for women to be educated outside of Afghanistan.

Entry fee for the 5K Run is $10 and may be paid on the day of the race at registration in the Robert B. Goergen Athletic Center or in advance by sending a check payable to Women's Caucus to Alison Schroth, University of Rochester, CPU Box 275953, Rochester NY, 14627. For more information, contact Cassi Mozingo at (585) 274-2620.