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Daily Permit and Half-Time Remote Permit Options
Medical Center

Daily Permit and Half-Time Remote Permit Options
Medical Center

There are two permit options for employees who are working from home and parking onsite less often:

Option 1: Expanded Half-Time Remote Permit
  • For full-time employees who need to park on campus 2 days or less per week where a parking permit is required.
  • The available lots for Remote parking are Lot 2 and Lot 9. Click here to see a map.
  • Fee is 50% of the lot’s regular full-time rate.
  • Supervisor/manager approval is required via online request form. Departments can designate an administrator to complete the online request.
  • Current permit holders in Lot 1, 2, 9, 11, and Scottsville Road will remain in their existing lots. All other permit holders will be eligible for Remote permits in Lot 2 and Lot 9.

How to Purchase:

  1. Your manager or supervisor must go online and submit a request for a Remote permit on your behalf.
  2. Managers or supervisors can click here to go to the request form. They will receive an email confirming that the application was submitted.
  3. A response will be sent within 5 business days to all that are listed on the application.
  4. You will NOT need a decal or hanging tag. The Parking Office will link your permit to your vehicle’s plate number, so no action is required.
Option 2: Daily Permit
  • For employees who prefer to pay to park by the day.
  • Purchase using credit card (payroll deduction not an option).
  • Lot 9 has designated spots for $5 per day.
  • Lot 3 has designated spots for $6 per day.
  • Offsite Lots – $6 per day at any of the following:
    • Imaging Building on East River Road
    • Lattimore Medical Center
    • Bailey Road
    • Data Center/Science Parkway
    • Sawgrass

Spaces will not be designated, so you can park in any open space.

Permits are non-refundable and cannot be exchanged or returned.

Important: If you currently use payroll deduction for your full-time permit, you MUST fill out a Payroll Deduction Cancellation Form online before purchasing a Daily Permit to avoid being double-charged for parking.

How to Purchase:

Using a Computer:

  1. Login to My Parking Online Portal and select NETID Login.
  2. Select Get Permits > Next
  3. Choose the “Daily” permit and check the agreement.
  4. Choose the date needed to park on campus.
  5. Select vehicle for permit
    1. Space is limited in these lots. If your chosen lot is at capacity, go back to Get Permits and select another Daily Permit lot.
  6. Complete check out process:
    1. You will receive an email confirming your purchase.
    2. The email will contain a link, “Print Permit,” which will open a PDF of your new permit.
    3. You can either print this or open it on your phone. When you enter the lot, you can open and place it under the scanner. These scanners will be marked with signs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is considered a full-time parker?

Employees who park 2 days or less per week in a lot where a permit is required are not considered full-time parkers, and therefore eligible for either of these parking options.

Employees who park 3 days or more a week in a lot where a permit is required are considered full-time parkers and are not eligible for either of these permit options.

Will I need a tag or sticker for the Daily Permit?

No, if you purchase a Daily Permit, you have the option of printing a PDF or opening it on your smartphone and scanning it when you enter the lot.

Tip: The larger and brighter the Daily Permit appears on your phone screen, the better it will work on the scanner.

How soon before coming to work can I purchase a Daily Permit?

You can purchase it the same day you come to work, using your smartphone or computer. To help minimize delays at the lot entrances. Please buy your permit before leaving for work so it’s ready to scan when you arrive. Permits are non-refundable and cannot be exchanged or returned.

How does Parking decide who moves to closer-in lots?

Parking uses waitlists to determine which staff to move to closer-in lots.

Waitlist requests can be made at My Parking Online and are processed on a first requested/first transferred basis as space allows. Submit your request and you’ll be placed on a waiting list for the lot you desire. Waitlists are reviewed regularly and transfers are processed as space allows.

Can employees still use Occasional Parking Permits?

The Occasional Permit has been replaced by the Daily Permit.