The Rochester Review, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York, USA
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Bertha Field Schellberg writes: "I am reading a recently published book which was written by Madeleine Yaude Stephenson, now deceased, who was a fellow classmate of mine at the University. Journey of the Wild Geese chronicles her experiences working at relief and rehabilitation in war-torn Europe after World War II. She will be remembered by many who studied at Rochester in the late 1930s and early 1940s."
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Retired U.S. Navy Cmdr. Tyrone Martin has received recognition for the revised edition of his book, A Most Fortunate Ship, a narrative history of the USS Constitution. The National Maritime Historical Society awarded it the 1997 Robert G. Albion/James Madison Award for Historiography. That same year, the Naval Institute named Martin the Naval History Author of the Year. More recently, the Naval Historical Center announced that the work had won the book prize in its five-year-long competition in the field of early sailing Navy history. Martin was captain of the Constitution for four years. He and his wife, Mary, live in western North Carolina where he writes a regular feature for Naval History magazine on the subject of everyday language with seagoing roots. . . . Michael Telesca was profiled in the August 21 edition of the Rochester Business Journal for his work as a U.S. district court judge.
Curtis Messinger spent three weeks in Vladivostok, Russia, volunteering with the Far Eastern Academy of Economics. While there, he conducted lectures and seminars on Generally Accepted Accounting Principles for students and company financial personnel. He is a retired financial executive living in Pleasantville, N.Y.
Russell Cassata was the 1998 recipient of the George D. Greenwood Award, the Seventh District Dental Society of the State of New York's most prestigious award.
Carl Lauter writes that he's been retired from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Bethesda, Md., since last April. He worked in government service for more than 42 years, 41 of which were spent at NIH. Some highlights of his career include his work as a postgraduate research fellow and graduate research assistant studying protein synthesis at the University of Oslo, Norway, which he did while on a leave of absence from NIH. After his return to NIH, he continued to pursue independent studies, including travels to the Mote Marine Laboratory in Sarasota, Fla., to study protein synthesis and ectonucleotidase enzyme activity. He was president of the Washington section of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine in 1994, and since 1995, he has been president of the Chesapeake chapter of the National Ataxia Foundation. He writes: "My wife, Astrid, is a travel agent and we have traveled much recently, most significantly two trips to Australia, and we intend to do more traveling in the future."
Margaret Stephenson Shantz writes: "In August I flew the north Atlantic in a single-engine airplane. Clifford Evans, the pilot/owner, and Retired Lt. Col. Lou Rehr, our flight instructor and a former World War II bomber pilot, also made the journey. We visited Canada, Greenland, Iceland, Scotland, Wales, France, Italy, and Austria over three weeks." (see Class Acts, FLYING HIGH) Shantz is the major gifts officer at the United Methodist Homes of New Jersey Foundation, Inc. . . . Buzz Williamson reports that he's retired from his orthodontics practice and living in Nicaragua, Central America. . . . Richard Ryder (see '57).
Kay Hatton Ryder has retired as a public relations director for home and community-based health care and as a health care lobbyist in Burlington, Vt. She continues to host and produce a local TV interview program with Vermont leaders and is active in several Vermont cultural organizations. She and her husband, Richard Ryder '56, report that they sail on Lake Champlain in the summer and spend their winters in Naples, Fla. Richard is partially retired from his career in internal medicine in Burlington and occupational medicine at IBM. He continues to consult part time for various Vermont businesses. Their daughter, Allison Ryder '83, is a primary trader and financial analyst at Fidelity Investments, Boston. Their son, Steven Ryder, is an orthopedic resident at the University's Medical Center/Strong Memorial Hospital. Daughter Cheryl is an endangered-aquatic-species researcher on the Atlantic and Pacific coasts and at sea.
Class Correspondent
One of the nicest things about the holiday season of the year is that people get in touch with old friends and bring them up-to-date on the latest events in their lives. We were especially fortunate to hear from a number of classmates during the last month, both through the "normal" greeting-card route and also via e-mail. We shall share their news with you:
Carol Spinuzzi Aceti sends a big Texas "Hello, y'all!" and adds that they have just joined the on-line generation a month ago and would like to be added to the list of folks who correspond by e-mail. Carol's address can be found in the alumni directory on the University's alumni page.
Jerry and Patty Buyse Adduci also are "wired, retired, and living on Cape Cod" and would like to keep in touch via e-mail. They are interested in gardening and Patty is doing some pretty fancy needlework. They traveled to Tuscany last October and, as we write this, will be visiting Costa Rica. They enjoy visiting their kids and 16-month-old granddaughter, Amelia. Patty writes that John and Nancy Bachenheimer Landon are nearby and own the Brewster Bookstore. Patty also is interested in her family genealogy and has traced her father's side of the family back to the 1500s. Jerry clams, oysters, and also keeps bees. His next project is getting a permit to have a few lobster pots! Daughter Nancy (Amelia's mother) lives with husband Mark in Washington, D.C., where she is an assistant buyer for the National Gallery shops and daughter Sara is pursuing her master's degree in sculpture at VCU in Richmond, Va.
Jose Sanchez writes that he attended a reunion of Theta Chis from the classes of '58 and '59 that was held last summer at Dick VanDerMeid's house at Conesus Lake. John Burgess, Mike Dunn, Bob Monroe, Bob Williams, and Sid Shaw from the class of '58 and George Emmons, George Milliman, and Paul Kraska from the class of '59 were in attendance. Also present was Dave VanDerMeid of the class of '57. Jose sent several digital photos of their get-together. He writes that after graduation, he went into the U.S. Air Force as a fuels supply officer, serving tours of duty at Grand Forks Air Force Base in North Dakota, Thule Air Base in Greenland, and Stewart Air Force Base in Newburg, N.Y. Prior to leaving the U.S. Air Force in late August 1962, Jose and Helen Dounce Sanchez '61, '63W (Mas) were married. Jose received his Ph.D. in organic chemistry from Brown University in 1966. After a brief stint at DuPont, Jose moved on to Wallace & Tiernan, where he stayed for the next 30 years. Retiring in June 1997, Jose continues to work part time as a consultant for the company (now Elf Atochem). "After many years in the tundra of upstate New York," Jose writes that they will be moving from Grand Island to the Gulf Coast of Florida.
Dick De Brine writes that their two sons and families, Joan's mother, brother and his wife, and her nephew visited him and Joan at their B&B over the holidays from New York City. Joan and Dick were very busy this autumn with the "leaf peepers" and folks attending the Keene, N.H., Pumpkin Festival. Dick writes that he and former thermodynamics instructor Pandeli "Lee" Durbetaki '54 (Mas), professor emeritus at Georgia Tech, as well as John Rathbone have been exchanging "shaggy engineer" stories over the Internet. Dick adds that "Professor De Brine is retiring after a satisfying second career; the teaching was interfering too much with his social life!"
Speaking of the marvels of the engineering sciences, John Rathbone wishes to share something with classmates who will understand his frustration at the lack of knowledge with which the younger generations are saddled. (This one's for you, Messrs. De Brine, Vidale, Shea, and Steinman.) Recently, there was a fire detector alarm at a local church that had undergone some renovations and the firefighters had to wait some time for the custodian to arrive and let them in. They requested a new key. Subsequently, John received a call from the church secretary that he could pick up the new key to deliver it to the fire department. It struck him that it might be worth a smile or two if he made a slight alteration along the way, so he went into his cellar, rummaged around, and came up with the ubiquitous device so well known to the class of '58 generation: a combination can and bottle opener. He affixed it to a key ring, wrote the name of the church on the label, and took it with him to the church where he showed it to the minister, asking if this was what the minister had in mind. The minister looked at John as if he were several degrees off top dead center and asked what he was talking about. John apologized, explained, picked up the real key, and departed. He then took both devices to the fire station. Only one (older) firefighter understood the humor. The advent of the pull-tab and the "twist top" cap have made the "church key" obsolete! Sic transit gloria mundi. ("Gloria's weekends are such that she misses the bus to work at the start of the week" or something like that.)
John and Val Evans Rathbone '60W (Mas) are off to Top Gun School at NAS in Fallon, Nev., where they will see service as doting grandparents while daughter Elizabeth (JO1, USN) and son-in-law Daryn Bartlett (DS1, USN) bring grandson No. 3, Ethan, into this world. So, by the time you read this, "think of us having been hip deep in diapers, baby food, toys, and two very mobile grandsons," writes John.
There was no "European Trip V" for Margaret and Dick Vidale this year. Instead, they drove to Quebec City in August, a trip that they recommend to all. The highlight of their year was daughter Lisa's marriage in August. Friends and family from all over the world (literally) came for the event. Dick asks, "What's all this about everyone being retired? I'm still working like a dog at Boston University! Part of the reason is that in a moment of weakness I agreed to get a dog for Margaret when I retired, but I would rather work like a dog than take care of one!"
Joe Steinman wrote that he was on Christmas break and using the time to catch up on a few projects. He also was going to review and "tweak" the material for the mini-M.B.A. that he will teach to around 50 doctoral students in engineering and science at Purdue University over a three-week period in May/June '99. The Steinmans will return to the United States in September of 1999 with their probable final location still being Ponte Vedra Beach, Fla., 14 miles on the beach side of Jacksonville. Joe says, "Warm is much better than cold." Joe thinks some consulting would be nice and he may want to teach a course or two, on an adjunct basis, in Jacksonville (University of North Florida or University of Jacksonville).
Nancy Kelts Rice says that she still has a number of pub glasses from Reunion '98. Nancy has enjoyed the mild winter, but now would like enough snow to do some cross-country skiing. She planned to be off to Jasper National Park in mid-February for some skiing and Nancy wrote it would be nice to get in a little cross-country practice before then!
Judy McDonald Norman, Sue Storing Maybeck, George Grimm, Joyce Timmerman Gilbert, Ed Granger '69 (Mas), '75 (PhD) and Mary Duncan Granger '59W (Mas), and Harry Allen all say "Hello!" and send their very best to their classmates.
Jim Alrutz writes: "Thanks, Bone, for the e-mail addresses. I'll think of something to do with them, I'm sure."
Elinor Abbey (aka "Lyn") says "Happy New Year!"and that she'll "take a look at all those e-mail addresses when I find 'a round tuit.'"
Dick Thalacker and wife Brenda Miller Thalacker '60 write they are alive and well, living on a lake not far from a ski area, which gives them the best of both worlds for summer and winter with the skiing and windsurfing, which keeps Dick busy along with three part-time jobs. Brenda stays out of trouble by playing her violin in two symphonies and playing tennis in three leagues.
It was world traveler Pete Tarrant who wrote that he has added two more countries to his tally since we saw each other at Reunion '98: Ireland and Moldova. Now he is off to Romania and hopefully back to Russia in April.
Margie Taylor Adams has moved from Bethesda, Md., to a new townhouse and new relationships across the river in Virginia. Her life is full of music, athletics, computers, et al. She was very pleased to receive the e-mail addresses of her classmates.
Dave Peters and wife Ellie Lynde Peters '62 finally took their long-awaited trip to Hawaii, Fiji, and New Zealand, where they visited their daughter. Back in Elmore, Vt., the Peters are expecting their first grandchild. Taking a page from the De Brines' book, the Peterses have purchased a camp adjacent to their property and are planning to perform major repairs with an eye toward renting it during the nonwinter months. "Cut rates for friends and family," Dave writes.
Diane Weber Masucci writes that her son, Hayes, has moved to Colorado where he is attending graduate school at the University of Denver. He is studying international and intercultural communications. . . .
Francis Allenza is the executive director of the Far from Home Foundation, a nonprofit organization located in Indianapolis providing support and transitional housing to homeless veterans and their families. . . . William MacKnight, distinguished university professor of polymer science and engineering at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, was named to the Wilmer D. Barrett Chair in Polymer Science and Engineering. . . . Judith Frank Pearson (see '60 medicine). . . . John Pike of J.J. Pike & Co., Inc., an industrial optics consulting firm located in Pleasantville, N.Y., has been named to the board of directors for United Way of New York State.
Barbara Hunt Homolka (see '93).
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Elizabeth Arnold Guillette '61N, '63W (Mas) was featured in an article in USA Today discussing her anthropological research on the effects of exposure of preschool-age children to pesticides in Mexico. Her research is part of a paper published in the journal of Environmental Health Perspectives (Vol. 106, No. 6) (see Alumni Gazette, TRACKING THE GREEN REVOLUTION). . . . Stephen Kapner writes that he and his wife, Barbara, have returned from six years spent in India and are retiring to Sonoma, Calif.
Sofia Pappatheodorou is on the chemistry department faculty of California State University at Dominguez Hills in Los Angeles where she has served as the faculty advisor for the school's science society since its founding in 1986. The school's science society has received recognition from the national office of the American Chemical Society for its programming every year since it was founded. Pappatheodorou also has served on the executive council of the Southern California section of the American Chemical Society since 1991 and chaired its education committee from 1991 to 1996. In 1998, she completed a three-year term as chairperson for the section. In 1996, when Pappatheodorou served as program chairperson, the chapter was honored with the national ACS Public Relations Award. Most recently, at the 1998 national meeting of the American Chemical Society in Boston, the section received the Phoenix Award for outstanding programming in the high school and minorities outreach categories for National Chemistry Week 1997.
Larry Long writes: "After 33 years with AT&T, I retired and began a new career. I am now a professor at De Vry Institute of Technology in Kansas City, Mo. My family is grown, and I have three grandchildren, and a fourth one due in June. My wife, Willa, graduated from William Smith and is now a full-time realtor. One daughter and her husband own a dry cleaning business. My other daughter is a high school biology teacher. My son heads the Counseling Center at Tarleton State College in Texas, and his wife is a professor there.". . . Robert Mead reports: "Last summer I competed in the History Channel Great Race, a 4,500-mile precision rally for antique (pre-1950) vehicles. I drove a 1932 Plymouth coupe that I purchased a couple of months after I graduated from Rochester. Can it really be 36 years? We covered 4,545 miles from Tacoma, Wash., to Haverhill, Mass., in 13 days and placed seventh in the rookie division." (see Class Acts, WHAT A LONG TRIP IT'S BEEN) . . . Leslie Simon is a public policy scholar at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington, D.C., where he is working on a book on the international policy implications of the digital age. Simon retired from IBM last April where he had been a senior executive in Washington, D.C., and Paris, responsible for government relations and public affairs. He and his wife, Ruth Amdursky Simon, divide their time between Washington, D.C., and Boca Raton, Fla. They have three married sons and two granddaughters. He is an honorary member of the University's Trustees' Council and his piece, "Present at the Creation," ran in the autumn issue of the Wilson Quarterly.
Gerald Connelly is president and chief executive officer, as well as a director of the company, at Robbins & Myers, Inc., an international manufacturer and marketer of fluids management products and systems serving the process industries.
Judith Proof Davis writes to share the news that classmate Barbara Williams Finnerty received a Thanks II Award, the highest possible award given to a volunteer, from the Girl Scouts of Central Maryland. Some of Finnerty's contributions to scouting include her work as senior troop advisor, business manager for Girl Scouts of Central Maryland's Wider Opportunity Chesapeake Challenge, Girls Scouts USA master trainer, Girl Scouts of Central Maryland liaison to the national science program at the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia, and trainer for the Franklin Institute's science program for girls and adults. Davis adds: "Bea, as she was known at Rochester, nurtured a generation of women and in doing so has continued the Meliora tradition." . . . Robert Forster delivered the mid-year commencement address at Alfred University in December. At the graduation ceremony he was awarded an honorary doctor of humane letters degree. (For more on Forster, see Third-Act Surprise.)
Bruce Feldman is the vice president for human resources and legal affairs at Enviro-Tech International in Las Vegas. . . . Matthew McClintock writes that his book Ion is being considered for a Pulitzer Prize in Letters. McClintock is a member of the International Society of Poets and lives in Austin, Tex. . . . Judith Tsipis, professor of biology at Brandeis University and director of the school's graduate program in genetic counseling, was featured in an article that ran in the spring 1998 Brandeis Review magazine about the program in which students are trained to interpret and communicate the advances in genetic research. Tsipis also is chairperson of the Association of Genetic Counseling Program Directors.
Richard Davis (see Alumni Gazette, A 'SPECIAL' PROSECUTOR).
William Bristol received a 1998 Nathaniel Award from Rochester's The Daily Record newspaper. The award honors individuals or organizations in the legal profession or related vocations that have demonstrated a commitment to justice through their community involvement, professional accomplishments, and support of other professionals. Bristol has been a Monroe County Court judge since 1992. He also has served as a Rochester City Court judge and is a past president of the New York State Association of City Court Judges. His many other affiliations and contributions include serving on the board of advisors for John Marshall School of Law and Government, membership in the Chamber of Commerce, board member for the advisors of Girl Scouts of Genesee Valley, technical consultant on the task force on violent and disruptive behavior in Rochester public schools, and former member of the board of directors of the Urban League of Rochester. . . . John Major is president and CEO of WirelessKnowledge, a Microsoft and Qualcomm company specializing in wireless computing technology.
David Edelman is professor of planning and director of the School of Planning at the University of Cincinnati. Most recently chairman of the department of urban environmental management at the Institute for Housing and Urban Developmental Management in Rotterdam, Edelman and his family have returned to the United States after 16 years of living in Thailand, Switzerland, and the Netherlands. . . . Donna Greenblatt Goldfarb writes that she is presently pursuing a career in professional theater, commercials, and film. She played Carlotta in Phantom and Eleanor in No Sex, Please, We're British last summer in Maine. She is working with Get-A-Clue Productions Dinner Theater and the Classics Company (touring schools). She also performed in the Nebraska Theatre Caravan's Midwest tour of A Christmas Carol. . . . Kathleen Hughes Wright continues to work in the research development office at SUNY HSC Syracuse, where she's been for three years.
Deborah Adler e-mails: "I am currently public relations coordinator with the New York State Credit Union League. I participated in the 'Campaign for Consumer Choice' and helped in the win to maintain the rights of customers to choose credit unions as their financial institution. I have twin girls who are doing well in the third grade and I am glad I've returned to upstate New York where I belong." . . . Roberta Plutzik Baldwin co-produced her first theatrical effort with the Paper Mill Playhouse, New Jersey's State Theatre, located in Millburn. Up, Up and Away: The Songs of Jimmy Webb ran from January 6-February 7. Baldwin writes: "(It is) an exciting proposition and the fruits of five years of negotiating song rights.". . . David Wilson '74S (MBA) is general manager of U.S. and Canada services for Eastman Kodak Company.
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Michael '72S (MBA) and Leslie Hope Braun write: "Leslie is an assistant college advisor at Palo Alto High School, and Michael is now general manager of IBM's Consumer Division. We are living in Palo Alto, Calif. Daughters Amy and Michelle are currently sophomores at the University of Pennsylvania and Columbia, respectively." . . . Cary Feldman has been serving as deputy independent counsel for the investigation of Secretary of the Interior Bruce Babbitt. He also is continuing his private law practice at Piper & Marbury, LLC, in Washington, D.C. . . . Frank Mamat has been elected to the executive committee at Clark Hill, PLC, in Detroit, where he is a senior partner in the department of labor and employment. . . . Kenneth Shore is a psychologist and member of a child study team for the Hamilton, N.J., public schools. He has a new book, Special Kids Problem Solver, a resource for teachers and specialists at all levels, providing ready-to-use interventions for helping all students with academic, behavioral, and physical problems. . . . Sandor Slomovits writes: "Just wanted to let you know that I have completed a new solo CD of Jewish music called Songs of My Family, Songs of My People. I wrote a third of the songs on the CD, while the rest are traditional songs in Yiddish and Hebrew. My brother, Lazslo Slomovits, has released a solo CD of songs for children and families, Bright in All of Us. Laz and I are still playing music together as the duo Gemini, and are celebrating our 25th year of concerts by releasing a new CD, The Best of Gemini, all original songs of ours for children and families." . . . Karen Kupfrian Stewart is a college counselor at Chatham Hall in Chatham, Va.
Bret Berner is vice president for product development for DepoMed, Inc., a company engaged in the development of new and proprietary oral-drug delivery technologies located in Foster City, Calif. . . . Steven Holt works as a senior consultant at BankBoston in the human resource department's workforce effectiveness group. Before that, he completed a research assignment in South Africa, and worked as an independent consultant in organizational development, strategic philanthropy, and executive research. For 10 years, he managed corporate and foundation philanthropic relations for Boston's community-based AIDS service organization AIDS Action Committee. He now lives in southern Maine.
Robert Kimmelfield e-mails: "After 25 years in Cleveland, I have a delightful, if not noteworthy, life with my wife, Margaret, and our three children: Bruce, 9; Rebecca, 6; and Leon, 3. Cub Scouts, Little League, homework, commitments to synagogue, and the PTO, as well as all the other features of 1990s parenting are keeping us busy. All alumni are welcome to write anytime. I am easy to find in the alumni directory or phone book." . . . Francis Moulin (see '77). . . . Patricia VanAllen e-mails: "After almost five years overseas, first in Indonesia, then in Paris, I have returned to Houston where I am the Western Hemisphere health safety and environment counsel for Schlumberger Limited.". . . Barry Yarkoni writes: "If you are visiting L.A. and are looking for a synagogue or kosher restaurant, check out This community service project is the site to check!"
Duane Hurne is director of technology at NewSouth Communications, a switch-based competitive local exchange carrier, located in Greenville, S.C. . . . James Kennedy was profiled in the The Hartford (Conn.) Courant in September; he is chief White House spokesperson on legal and ethical issues. . . . William B. Sacks passed his emergency medicine boards in July and is now working at Stamford Hospital as an emergency medicine physician. He lives in Fairfield, Conn., with his wife, Millie, and their three children: Kathryn, 13; Laura, 10; and Bennett, 7. . . .Steven Sibener is professor of chemistry at the James Franck Institute at the University of Chicago and director of the school's NSF-Materials Research Science and Engineering Center. His research interests are in the atomic-scale behavior of surfaces and materials. He also completed a term as chairman of the division of chemical physics of the American Physical Society. He writes that his family, including daughters Leah, 7, and Leslie, 4, are enjoying their new house, once owned by famed physicist Enrico Fermi, near campus.
Barry Bergen is an associate professor of history at Gallaudet University in Washington, D.C., and has been granted tenure. . . . Michelle Bryan is senior vice president for human relations at US Airways. . . . Capt. Steven Rowland, U.S. Navy, his wife, Ellen Phelps Rowland '79, and their children, John, 14, William, 11, and Margaret, 8, have relocated from Virginia Beach to Fairfax Station, Va. Rowland has been reassigned to the staff of the chief of naval operations.
Peter Chryssos was elected to the Town Board in Bedford, N.Y., where he received 93 percent of the vote. He e-mails: "My sons, Troy, 6, and Theo, 3, think it's cool. My wife, Jennifer, switched party lines to vote for me. I invite all Rochester alumni to visit our wonderful town." . . . Christian Kyrios writes that he has been living in Rochester since 1992 with his wife, Paula, and their two sons, Al and Mike. Kyrios is working at Rochester Gas & Electric Corp. as manager of strategic supply and he is active with the University's Sigma Chi chapter as house corporation president. . . . Vicki Sittenfeld Maer e-mails: "I am getting used to life in the suburbs of New Hyde Park, Long Island, after finally giving up brownstone-Brooklyn life in Park Slope after 10 years. I've been working at the NYC Board of Education since 1986, where I now work part time in the budget office as a project director. When not working, I am home taking care of Benjamin, 2, and Robert, 8."
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Robert Grossberg is assistant vice president and technology audit manager at Deutsche Financial Services in St. Louis. . . . Navy Cmdr. John Legg participated in Exercise MARCOT-Unified Spirit '98 while aboard the ship USS Gunston Hall. . . . Navy Cmdr. Christopher Paddock took part in the commissioning of the amphibious assault ship USS Bonhomme Richard. . . . Michael Rose married Diane Bloom on January 16 in Washington, D.C. He is a senior consultant at PriceWaterhouse Coopers, the accounting and consulting company. . . .
Navy Cmdr. Sara Zak completed a three-year tour teaching mathematics at the U.S. Naval Academy and retired after 18 years of active duty in the U.S. Navy. Several Rochester graduates, current and former naval officers, attended the ceremony. Pictured left to right are Doug Rosinski '81, Cmdr. Steve Paluszek '79, Dave Wassink '79, Cmdr. Bob VanMeter '79, Zak, Cmdr. Ron Kratzke '81, Joel Denney '81, Lt. Cmdr. Valerie Pilner Denney, Mike Higgins '83, and Cmdr. Alan Terpolilli '79. Cmdr. Rob Winneg was also at the ceremony but missed the photo.
Doug Abeles writes: "My wife, Lori, and I moved to Los Angeles in April. After a brief stint writing for the Magic Hour, I joined the writing staff of Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher. . . . Navy Cmdr. John Bergersen has reported for duty at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Md. . . . Daniel Blumenthal joined the University of California at Santa Barbara this year as an associate professor of electrical engineering. Dan writes that he, his wife, Cathy, and their sons, Max, 6, and Josh, 4, are enjoying the beach and the great outdoors. . . . Jana Llynn has taken over the position of production stage manager on the Off-Broadway musical I Love You, You're Perfect, Now Change. The music director for the show also is a Rochester graduate: Tom Fay '65E. Jana writes that she stage-managed a two-show day for actor Bill Cosby and got to share dinner and conversation with him. Future stage-managing engagements for Jana include an Isaac Stern concert in May and summer concerts for Ray Charles, the Pat Metheny Group, Gordon Lightfoot, and comedians Gallagher and Rita Rudner. A correction: Jana's work on the long-running comedy Beau Jest mentioned in the Spring/Summer 1998 issue ran Off-Broadway, not in Boston as reported. . . . Bill Mann is co-author with his wife, Patti Jones Mann '82, of Welcome Home! AOL's Guide for Families, published in November 1998. . . . Karin Roberts e-mails: "I am working on the metro desk of The New York Times and living on Long Island in my first house." . . . Paul Steele is working at Microsoft's Web TV as director of business development for broadband platforms. . . . Neil Wertheimer is vice president and publisher of active-living books at Rodale Press in Emmaus, Pa.
Mary Ann Becker writes: "To Patti Long Petree '83: Yes, I am still in Japan, moved to the west, on the Japan Sea-side, in September. I am teaching in the materials science and engineering department at Fukui University on a three-year contract." . . . Brian Cutler, his wife, Karen, and twins Penelope and Dennis, 4, welcomed Alison June, born August 13, to their family. The Cutlers live in North Miami Beach and can be reached at . . . David Keller '84 (Mas) writes that he and his wife, Mary Beth Egan Keller, had their third child, William Alexander, on August 19. He joins Benjamin, now 5, and Mollie, 2. . . . Patti Jones Mann (see '81). . . . Jody Lavin Patrick (see '77). . . . Michael Watkins is general manager of the CAD/RMS business unit at Printrak International, Inc., in Boulder, Colo. . . . Teresa Zajonczkoski is corporate secretary at PSINet, an independent commercial Internet service provider.
Mary Dugan married Terence Sheridan in May 1997. She is co-managing a small capital stock portfolio at Bankers Trust in New York City. . . . Cmdr. David Duryea is the deputy commander for operations on the staff of Submarine Squadron One in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. . . . Jack and Denise Robinson Henzes write to announce the birth of their third child, Emma Hayley, born on August 31, 1997. She joins brothers Jamie and Jake. . . . Yuko Ikeda reports that after several years in Germany, she is returning to Tokyo, Japan. . . . Andrew Kandel writes to give an update: "From 1984-1985 I was at the University of Washington at Seattle, in the department of geological oceanography. From 1986-1995, I was at Dames & Moore in Los Angeles working as a project geologist. Since 1995, I have been an archaeologist at the University of Tübingen in Germany." . . . Charles Pfeffer writes that he and Cathy Harrison '92 are living in Fairport, N.Y., with their two children. He develops cultural change strategies for large organizations as a senior consultant with Vitalwork. Cathy is a dentist working in two area practices. He adds that they have a spare bedroom and would love to hear from old friends. . . . Allison Ryder (see '57). . . . Lori Tannenbaum Solano and her husband, Al, announce the birth of their first child, David Justin, who turned 1 in December. Lori was an institutional salesperson in the foreign currency markets for the past 10 years. She is currently a director at UBS AG and lives in Scarsdale, N.Y.
Shawn Cali was promoted to commander while serving aboard the Navy combat support ship USS Supply. . . .
Molly Hayes married Stuart Baker on August 30, 1997, in Rochester. The couple honeymooned in Hawaii. Several University friends joined them at the wedding: (left to right) Marion Stempler White, Maria DiRico O'Reilly, Molly Hayes, Jennifer Lane Milavec, and Susan Cutelis. Also attending, but not pictured were: Gary Milavec, Ann Emmons Ryan, Kristan Radak Dunst '85, and Anthony Ryan '85. Stuart is the manager of commercial real estate operations with Landsman Development Corp./Mayzon Corp. Molly is the associate director of admissions at the University. The couple lives in the Rochester suburb of Pittsford. . . . Carl Perdue e-mails: "I am living in Cambridge, Mass., and flying for American Airlines as a pilot on the A300 airbus out of Logan Airport. If you are going to be in the area, drop me a line at I would love to hear from old ROTC-chester friends."
Brian Cashmere '86S (MBA) writes: "After eight years of Naval service, I've earned my J.D. from George Washington University Law School. I am now practicing law in the Washington, D.C., area at the law firm of Watt, Tieder, Hoffar & Fitzgerald, where I specialize in construction, maritime, and government contract litigation." . . . Alan Ehrlich married June Carpenter Ehrlich on May 24, 1998, in La Canada Flintridge, Calif. Attending the wedding were groomsman Andrew Miller, Darrell Wright, Ronald Smith, Ann Martin Cummins, and Bambi Maxine Rattner '86, '87W (MS). . . . Lori Rudnick Goldstrom writes to say that her family moved to the Atlanta suburb of Alpharetta in October when her husband received a promotion. She still works for First Union National Bank. They have a daughter, Sarah, 3. . . . Norman Guadagno and his wife, Rosanna, have relocated to Mesa, Ariz. Norman is vice president of marketing for Pentawave, Inc. . . . Michael Lynch '89 (MA), '93 (PhD), a psychologist at Mt. Hope Family Center in Rochester, is taking part in a partnership between the center and the Rochester City School District. The partnership provides school-based parent support services, in-service workshops for school staff, consultation with teachers and parents, and enrollment in special center programs for a limited number of children.
Michael Colarusso and his wife have a new daughter, Dana, born on May 12. . . . LCDR Peter DeMane e-mails: "My wife, Kate, and I had a third daughter, Claire, on November 27. She joins Erin, who is 4, and Courtney, who is 2. We recently completed two years of Navy life in Gaeta, Italy, and Stuttgart, Germany. We are currently living in Newport, R.I., en route to my next assignment as executive officer of the USS Bunker Hill (CG 52) in San Diego, Calif." . . . Karen De Ridder joined the law firm of Robinson & Cole as an associate in the real estate group of the Boston office. . . .
Julie Braverman married Clarke Bowlin Bruno in New York City in September. The bride and groom are associates at Dewey Ballantine, a New York City law firm. . . . Scott DeGhetto is director in the energy and power group at PaineWebber, Inc.'s investment banking division. . . . Jeffrey Smith '88S (MBA) writes: "We had a baby girl! My wife, Ellen, gave birth to her on November 13. We are all healthy and doing great." . . . Anne Plossl Stevens '92S (MBA) reports that she is a financial analyst at the National Technical Institute for the Deaf. She is learning sign language and has a 7-month-old son, Charlie. . . . Samuel Walker was awarded a Ph.D. in biophysics from the University of Oregon in December.
Richard Berman opened a state-of-the-art dental office in the Main Line of Philadelphia. You can check out the Web site at . . . Adam Glasgow writes that he will finish his fellowship in vascular surgery in June and join his father's practice in Boston. . . . Richard Howard sends an update: "I married Emily K. Moore in 1994, got my master's in bioengineering at Texas A&M in 1997, incorporated Assisi Software Corp. ( in 1997, and I live in Portland, Oreg." . . . Jacquelyn Millard Kramer writes: "Hi to my KD sisters and the gang from Lovejoy 3-Long. I am living in Baltimore with my husband, Steve, and practicing law with the firm of Engel & Engel. E-mail me at" . . . Douglas McGetchin writes that he married Marilyn Joy Friesen on October 3 and they are now living in La Jolla, Calif. His wife, Marilyn, is starting a nutrition/fitness counseling business on the Internet, which he invites alumni to check out at Douglas is in the European history Ph.D. program at the University of California at San Diego. . . . Lorrie Pownall '90 (MS), '90S (MBA) married Stephen Savas in Tenafly, N.J., on November 14. Lorrie is employed by American Express in New York City. Stephen, a graduate of Columbia University and Wharton School of Business, is a senior securities analyst at Goldman, Sachs & Co. . . .
Howard Read married Julie Lindeman '90N, '95N (Mas) on August 9, 1997, in Averill Park, N.Y. Alumni in attendance and pictured are: Michele Nardo, Brian Patrick '89, Susan Hendrickson Vogelman, Tim Vogelman '87, Lorri Kahn Diggory, John Diggory '89, Abby Gilbert Salomon, Ellen Walters '86, Gene Renner '73, Rafe Schoenfeld (best man), and Justine Bentfield. Alumni in attendance but not pictured include Darren Brock '90, '95 (MS), '97 (PhD); Phyllis Huskey '57N; and George Koh. Julie and Howard now live in San Jose, Calif. . . . Steven Sommers writes that he is living in Nashville with his wife, Suzan, whom he married in 1991. They have a private massage therapy practice and teach massage and acupressure at the Cumberland Institute of Wellness Education. . . . Timothy Talley e-mails: "I am currently at the helm of one of the hottest new athletic apparel companies in the U.S., Ballgirl Athletic, the brand designed solely for the serious and aggressive female athlete. We've been signed on as the official athletic apparel of the Division I Women's National Invitational Tournament." . . . Marine Capt. Bruce Wilkinson participated in Exercise Cooperation from the Sea '98, while assigned to the 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit.
Joanne Chen Chu writes: "I am pleased to announce that I obtained my Ph.D. in behavioral neuroscience from the University of Texas at Austin. I am now a postdoctoral fellow at Oregon State University in Corvallis, Oreg., in the department of zoology. A long-distance hello to Sue Derylak, Judy Kozlowski, and Lisa Foo. I am sorry I missed the reunion.". . . Eric and Teri Kwak Fitzgerald announce the birth of their first child, Eric Carl, on September 16. Eric is an attorney with Saperston and Day, P.C., in Rochester. Teri is a legal research specialist with the West Group. . . . Walter France and Michele Jamison were married on June 27 in Mendon, N.Y. . . . David Rubinowitz and his wife, Stacy, had a baby boy named Matthew. He joins his sister, Allie, 3, "as COO of the Rubinowitz Kids Club," according to David who manages the estate planning services division for Morgan Stanley Dean Witter. Stacy is a senior account executive in New York City's garment center. . . . Kim Seidman married David Salz on September 5 in Lenox, Mass. Bridesmaids Regla Perez Roman '89 (MS), '90 (MS), Mary Ellen Gowday, Helen Moses Caplan '88, and Sharon Morgenbesser held the canopy. The couple honeymooned on the island of Mauritius and went on safari in South Africa before returning home to New York City. . . . David Townes writes: "After completion of a fellowship in international emergency medicine, I spent six months working in the medical clinic in Yosemite National Park (Calif.). In January, I joined the faculty at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center/Harvard Medical School in the department of emergency medicine.". . .
Dawn Tudryn writes: "On September 12, I married Alan Piciacchio, a Penn State graduate. We had such a beautiful day! My bridesmaids included Laura Hales and Amy Sinensky. Other Rochester graduates in attendance were Jennifer Traylor Kruschwitz '95 (MS) and Anne Wagner Merton." . . . Mark Zaid is executive director of the James Madison Institute in Washington, D.C. The Institute is a nonprofit organization with the primary purpose of educating the public on issues relating to intelligence gathering and operations, secrecy policies, national security, and government wrongdoing. Mark is an attorney specializing in national security and government accountability cases.
Go to:
Deborah Feldman writes: "I am graduating from my radiology residency at North Shore on Long Island and moving to Albuquerque, N.M., for a year-long interventional radiology fellowship. If anyone wants to visit me, I'll be at the University of New Mexico from July of this year through June 2000." . . .
In attendance at the wedding party for Yael and Adam Konowe were Rochester alumni (front row, left to right) Jody Barasch '91, Christine Huggins '91, '96M (MS), Lori Lyman Bruun '91, and Alix Sharnoff '91; (back row, left to right) Steve Bruun, the groom, and Larry Nehring '89, '91W (MS). . . . Mitchell Nussbaum married Caroline Greenberg on October 3 at the Plaza in New York City. . . . Joseph Pantano married Lisa Bedard on June 27 in Hilton, N.Y.
Michael Adjodha e-mails: "I am a chemical engineer for the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards. My wife, Laurinda, and I live in Rockville, Md. We just bought a condo and life here is very good.". . . Erik Becker married Adrienne Gail Schwartz on October 10 in Bryant Park, N.Y. . . . Nathaniel Beers writes that he's moved to Boston where he is doing a child advocacy fellowship. He is vice chair and chair-elect of the American Academy of Pediatrics Residents Section. . . . Melissa Burnett-Testa writes: "My husband, Anthony, and I are pleased to announce the birth of our daughter, Tressa Rose. She was born on August 24 and is our first child. I am finishing my final year at Northeastern University School of Law." . . . Karin Eig married Steven Swain on October 17 at the St. Regis in New York City. . . . Kellie Shields Fredericks writes that she and her husband, John, have a son, Benjamin Scott, born on May 2. He weighed in at 8 lbs., 1 oz. The family has moved back to the Albany area from Rhode Island. . . . Paul Gagnier joined the firm of Swidler Berlin Shereff Friedman, LLP, in Washington, D.C. He works in the international telecommunications group on regulatory and transactional matters in Latin America and Europe. . . . Sylvia Hysong reports: "I got married in May to Michael Oelke, an engineer working for a NASA contractor. We got married in Puerto Rico, where I am from originally. We invited several alumni, but none were able to attend (maybe they would've been more motivated if the wedding had been in January). We continue to live in Houston, where we met." . . . Christopher and Marianne Hendrie McMorris e-mailed to give an update: "Chris received a master of science in historic preservation from Columbia University in May and won an outstanding thesis award for his work on suburban residential development as historic resources. We then took a trip to Britain and Ireland before moving to Sacramento, Calif., where Chris started a new job. He is working as a historian/architectural historian for a historical research-consulting firm. Marianne is working as a recovery room nurse for an outpatient surgical company. As our third wedding anniversary approached, we found out that we are expecting our first child in June. We are both very excited with this news and happy in our new lives in California." . . . Brian and Stefanie Baker Mittman announce the birth of their daughter, Zoe Rose, born on June 28, 1997. Their son, Noah, will be 3 in April. Brian is an attorney in New York City and Stefanie writes that she "is very happy at home with our adorable kids.". . . Grishma Shah-Elzinga '95M (MD) writes: "After completing my pediatrics residency in Madison, Wis., I went to the Himalayan town of Dharamsala, India, where I am working at a Tibetan children's clinic. My husband, Hans Elzinga '96M (MD), and I plan a two-month trip to Uganda, Kenya, and Tanzania to do medical work. Hello to everyone! I would love to hear from classmates." . . . Michael Usowski is the Internet managing editor and graphic designer for the Center for Bioethics at the University of Pennsylvania.
On July 25, Frank Lallos '93S (MBA) married Lisa Bastiani on Long Island. In attendance (back to front, left to right) were John Vangellow '60, Elaine Vangellow, David Khani '93S (MBA), Pamela Gassler, Karen Winicki, Ray Winicki '89, Jen Luce '91, Olivier Sartor '89, Wayne France '89, '94S (MBA), Mona Heda, Ami Heda '89, '94S (MBA), Jeff Brinkman '89, '93S (MBA), Rosa Brinkman, Bobby Lim '93S (MBA), Michael Dailey '89, '93S (MBA), Catherine Stimpson, Stephen Robson '91, '97W (MS), Teri Robson '97, David Robson '88, Deryl Robson, Jay Lind '93S (MBA), Joanne Lallos, Peter Lallos '90S (MBA), Lathika Pai (standing in for Sid Pai '90S (MBA)), '93S (MS); (front row) Karen Amico, Michele Jamison France '89, the groom, the bride, Greg Vangellow '94S (MBA), and Deb Bordynski Vangellow. . . . Dan Lang and Lora Santilli announce the birth of their second daughter, Olivia Marie, born in July. Her big sister, Alyssandra, turned 2 in September. . . . Carol Ann Mintz e-mails: "Hello class of '92! I got married to Paul Dann of Selden, N.Y., on August 29. Christa Weber '91 and Kelley Hahn were there to help me celebrate. I'd welcome any e-mail. Write to me at (it is soon to change to Well wishes to all!". . . Richard Pittenger writes that he is "traveling extensively for Philip Morris' Special Investigations." He adds that he can be reached by e-mail at . . . Michael Rinzel is the producer of Internet television shows for Pseudo Programs, Inc., in New York City. He invites alumni to check out their Web site at Michael writes that he also is a part-time musician in a band called Poolsville and a drummer for various singers and songwriters. . . . Karen Chervosky Stone and her husband, Scott, announce the birth of their first child, Sam Dylan, born December 1 at White Plains Hospital in Westchester County, N.Y. They invite friends to check out the pictures of Sam found at home.att. net/~aikomhoch/samstone.html.
Megan Brown is engaged to Joshua Schlageter. . . . Erika Fread is engaged to Howard Goldstein; a May 30 wedding is planned. Erika is a staff accountant in the assurance business advisory services division at PriceWaterhouseCoopers in Philadelphia. . . . . Michael Garcia married Kristy Stathes on May 16 at St. Louis Church in Pittsford, N.Y. . . . Elizabeth Hochberg married Michael Schloff at the Cipriani Wall Street Hotel in New York on October 17. . . .
Barbara Hunt Homolka '59 writes to say that her daughter, Alice Homolka, married Christian Tate at the family's resort, Zámek Brezina, the Chateau at the White Birches, in the Czech-Moravian Highlands southeast of Prague. Alumni interested in visiting the chateau may contact Barbara Hunt Homolka at 011-420-365-497384. . . . Nancy Lundy married Eric Silberstein on October 10. Alumni in the wedding party were Emily Harker '95, Christia Kryder Hawkins, Debra Altschuler '92, Pamela Jafarian Ferguson '91, and Doug Wheeler. Other alumni in attendance were Simone Bergstein '92, Amy Geltzer Chernoff '92, Heather Garrettson Phelon '92, and Lisa Manowitz '94. The bride and groom are living in New York City where Nancy is working as a management consultant for the Hay Group. . . . René Mogensen performed Fugaz, a piece for solo tenor saxophone and electronics, on the new Capstone Records release Society of Composers Inc. Chamber Works. René was a visiting composer at the Danish Institute for Electroacoustic Music in January and will be the composer in residence at the Center for Contemporary Music at Mills College, Calif., in October. . . . Mshindi John-Christian Solomon was honorably discharged from the U.S. Coast Guard on November 24. . . . Gregory Whiting e-mails: "I just moved to the Los Angeles area after a brief stay in Washington, D.C., and four years in Boston. I am working for Quintiles, Inc., a contract research organization, headquartered in Research Triangle Park, N.C. I am working to establish a full-time Quintiles office in the L.A. area in alliance with Amgen, Inc. If any alumni would like to contact me, please e-mail me at"
Pamela Simon Adelman reports that she is the manager of provider contracting at Health Partners in Philadelphia and is working toward her master's degree in health care administration at St. Joseph's University. Her husband, Bob Adelman '95, is a third-year dental student at the University of Pennsylvania, where he's passed his first round of dental boards. . . . Suzanne Alley married Frank Franzino '95 on October 25, 1997. Stacey Metcalf Plummer served as attendant. The couple lives in Washington, D.C., where Frank works for an advertising agency and Suzanne has just completed her master's degree in European history at George Washington University. . . . Lou Applebaum '96S (MBA) married Julie Greene on March 28 at the Interfaith Chapel at the University of Rochester. . . . Colleen Barber '98M (MD) graduated from the School of Medicine and Dentistry in May. She and her husband, Keith Bromley, live in Scottsdale, Ariz., where Colleen is completing her four-year residency in obstetrics and gynecology at Good Samaritan Regional Medical Center. . . . Faith Bevitz married Kevin Rhatigan '98S (MBA) on November 7. . . . Ryan Freling writes: "My wife, Lauren Kok Freling '95N, and I live in Norwalk, Conn. She works at Yale New Haven Hospital in pediatric medicine and I work in Wilton, Conn., at Silicon Valley Group in the lithography systems division." . . . Casey and Amy Schwittek Holzman announce the birth of their first child, Rachael Marie, on October 18. She weighed in at 7 lbs., 14 oz., and was 213/4 inches long. Casey was promoted to captain on July 1, and is stationed at the Marine Corps Air Station in Cherry Point, N.J. Amy was promoted to captain on August 1 and since completing her term of active service in January, has become a stay-at-home mom. Both are members of the U.S. Marine Corps. . . . Peter Newman, a doctoral student at the SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry in Syracuse, was awarded the Arnold Bolle Wilderness Management Scholarship by the Society of American Foresters. The scholarship is awarded to a qualified student who promotes and perpetuates understanding of wilderness resources within the forestry profession. . . . Christine Pearson reports: "After working for three years as a translator/ interpreter for the Japanese government in Kitakyushu City, I returned to New York where I was employed at a Japanese newspaper for a year. I have now returned to Japan where I am working as a market analyst for an Internet development company. I also am working part time as a representative for Kids for Kids International, a nonprofit organization that sends student-created picture books and educational supplies to children around the world. Interested alumni, drop me a line at" . . . Heidi Schultes
Fred Beer, president of Auragen Communications, Inc., a Web site development company, was featured in a Rochester Business Journal special report that ran on September 4. . . .
Annemarie Bleech married Jeffrey Cervoni of Hamburg, N.Y., on November 28. (left to right): Bridget Klenk '97 (MS), '97 (MA), Gretchen Harris, Karen McCausland, the bride, Sara Reilly, and Guille Nava. Not pictured but also in attendance was Ted Naylon. She writes, "I am now Annemarie Cervoni! I am currently a high school counselor in Ellicottville, N.Y. Since graduation, I've completed a master's degree in counseling at the University of Buffalo and am now finishing my Ph.D. there. Jeff and I live in Orchard Park, N.Y." . . . Navy Ensign Curtis Bogetto is a Naval flight officer. . . . David Cadoret e-mails: "OK, I am still doing software testing, except now I am doing it for the financial industry in New York City. 2+2=5?" . . . Keri Claiborne is working for Andersen Consulting in Chicago and studying for her master of science in communication from Northwestern University. . . . Kristine Taylor Dorman (see '93 nursing). . . .
Lisa Graf married Andrew Falconer on June 27 in Mentor, Ohio. Pictured (left to right) are Rochester alumni Bethany Shub '96, groomsman Nakul Vakil '96, the groom and bride, and Joah Skeel, maid of honor. The Falconers moved to Chicago after the wedding and can now be reached at . . . Robert Jackson reports that he is living in Brooklyn and having a good time. . . . Janet Yokasta Japa is a contract supervisor in the youth services division of a private nonprofit agency. In January she began working toward a master's degree in urban policy and management at the New School for Social Research. . . .
Brian Klebba married Kendra Burchfiel, daughter of University of Rochester Medical Center professor James Burchfiel, on August 8. Todd Barber and Ian Carey '94, '96S (MBA) were in the wedding party. Other University alumni in attendance were Kevin Burke, Craig Epstein, Justin Miller '94, Jeff Mills, Mark Beauharnois '96, Kimberly Klenk, Melissa Weisberg, and Gary Siconolfi. Brian and Kendra live in Buffalo, N.Y., where Kendra is pursuing her Ph.D. in clinical psychology and Brian works for the district attorney's office. . . . Jeffrey Lampert received his master's degree in computer science from the University of Wisconsin in May. He now works at Motorola in Schaumburg, Ill. . . . Andy Lee writes: "I am a second-year law student at the University of Wisconsin Law School and the co-president of the University of Wisconsin Asian Pacific American Law Students Association. Last semester I had a clerkship with the Wisconsin Department of Justice. Now I am clerking at Johnson Controls, Inc., in Milwaukee in their corporate legal department. Also, I am the founder and editor-in-chief of the University of Wisconsin Asian Law Journal and our first issue is being published this spring." . . . Our apologies to Darby Jared Leigh. We incorrectly identified him in the last issue of Class Notes. . . . Joseph Mastrosimone received his J.D. with highest honors from George Washington University Law School. He was awarded the Ogden W. Fields Award and the Lawrence Siebel Memorial Prize for scholarship in the field of labor and employment law. As a law student, he was a member of the Order of the Coif and of George Washington University Law Review's editorial board. Joseph is now an associate at the firm of Crowell & Moring, LLP, in Washington, D.C. . . . Paul and Tanya Giang Sargent write that they were married on October 25, 1997, in Richmond, Va. Paul is a golf professional at the Country Club of Virginia and Tanya is a Ph.D. candidate at the Medical College of Virginia in the field of molecular genetics. . . . Latha Srinivasan writes: "I passed the bar exam. Now I'm trying to adjust to my new life as a practicing labor and employment attorney.". . . Alex Yip graduated from Boston College Law School in May. He is now an associate at the firm of Simpson Thacher & Bartlett in New York City.
Matthew Douglas has relocated to the San Francisco Bay area where he is working as the product manager for Adobe Premiere. . . . Harpreet Singh Gill e-mails: "I am in New York City working at the outerwear company Free Country Ltd. At the same time, I am at the Fashion Institute of Technology finishing my associate's degree in fashion merchandise management." . . . Christina Hefflon and Shane Yeager were married on September 5 in Suffield, Conn. Stuart DeGray '97 and current student Carrie Ives were among the attendants. Rich Andre and Ryan Casazza were the musicians. . . . Rebecca Hoffman reports she has graduated from Johns Hopkins University School of Public Health with a master's degree in population dynamics, with a concentration in reproductive health and family planning. She now is working on her Ph.D. in health behavior and health education at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill's School of Public Health. She adds, "After I receive my Ph.D., I plan to go work in the field of adolescent reproductive health education." . . . Kim Lot writes: "I moved to Southern California to get my master's degree in public policy and international relations." . . . Marine First Lt. Chester Reese completed a six-month deployment to Okinawa, Japan, with the Third Battalion, 11th Marines. . . . Sara Ridberg (see Alumni Gazette, BREAKING THE SOUND BARRIER). . . . Navy Ensign Norman Woodcock finished a five-month deployment aboard the guided missile frigate USS Doyle.
Fabienne Matteis is living in Atlanta and working for a large architectural firm as a marketing/administrative coordinator.
Robert Behan is attending Illinois College of Optometry in Chicago. . . . Dana Fox writes: "I am in my first year of a graduate program in public policy at the University of Michigan." . . . Gregory Friedel is attending Wake Forest University School of Medicine in North Carolina. . . . Leila Ahlin Henderson is working on her master's degree in education and Texas state teacher certification at the University of Texas in Austin. . . . Marine Lance Cpl. Otis Hightower was promoted to his present rank while serving with the Third Battalion, 25th Marines, Fourth Marine Division, posted in Buffalo, N.Y. . . . Christopher Kent writes: "I am living in Boston where I am working for an investment software development firm, Eze Castle Consulting."
River Campus Undergraduate
JUNE 11-13, 1999
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JUNE 11-13, 1999
JUNE 11-13, 1999
JUNE 11-13, 1999
JUNE 11-13, 1999
JUNE 11-13, 1999
Patricia Plant was awarded the Excellence in Mediation Award presented by the Florida Conflict Resolution Consortium for her work on the first-ever state-mandated mediation between the citizens of Riviera Beach and Singer Island, Fla. She also is being recognized for her academic papers on the 1997 public forum on site re-use of the Wingate Superfund Site in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. She is a third-year law student at the University of Florida.
Robin I. Eisenberg writes the following in memory of fellow classmate Susan Beth Eidens-Döbler: "It is with great sadness that I inform the Rochester community that Susan Eidens-Döbler has died. Susie was a woman of incomparable energy, inquisitiveness, dignity, and attentiveness. Her years at Rochester only gave us a glimpse into what Susie would later accomplish. She was a diligent student; she delighted in practical jokes. By 1978, she had moved to Germany, married Herbert, and began learning the ropes of being a vital member of her adopted community. By the time Erika and Michael were born, Susie had completed her master's degree at the University of Tübingen, was working for Arthur Andersen in Stuttgart, and was running her own English-German translation business. Sue believed that nothing was impossible. When she was first diagnosed with breast cancer, she acted swiftly and decisively. When the
cancer returned, she incorporated the treatments, procedures, and side effects into her daily life. She was relentless, but, unfortunately, so was her cancer. The Eidens family has arranged for a scholarship foundation to be created in Susie's name in her hometown of Scotia, N.Y. Contributions should be sent c/o the Scotia-Glenville Board of Education, 900 Preddice Parkway, Scotia, N.Y. 12302." . . . Donald Millinger is a partner at the Philadelphia office of the law firm Klehr, Harrison, Harvey, Brazburg & Ellers. He specializes in the area of corporate and securities activities, including mergers and acquisitions.
Bob Dardano writes that he got former Yellowjacket hoopsters Jody Lavin Patrick '82 and Fran Moulin '74 "to mug for the camera." They and two dozen other Rochester fans cheered on the women's and men's basketball teams at a double-header at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. . . . Patrick Farrell '82M (MD) (see Alumni Gazette, MASTER OF WINE). . . . Robert Loomis writes that he is living in south Florida and working at Hearx, Ltd., where he is director of operations. . . . Paul Shen is vice president of Citibank, where he is responsible for the retail branches in central Manhattan. He invites classmates to drop in and see him at Citibank's world headquarters branch located at 399 Park Ave. in New York City. . . . Richard Wise '78S (MBA) is engaged to Carol B. Selkin, a visiting assistant professor at Washington University in St. Louis. A May wedding is planned. . . . Linda Zuber is director of major and planned giving for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Rochester. Her responsibilities include development of major and planned gifts, working with volunteers, advising parishes, and coordinating requests to foundations and corporations.
Theodore Hart is executive director of philanthropy and chief development officer for the University of Maryland Medical System. . . . Robin Jaskow writes that she continues to work as a disc jockey for Israel's first all-English radio station, Radio West. She also is a staff member of the Israel Yearbook and Almanac, a student of energetic healing, and a singer at some of the folk clubs in Jerusalem. . . . Miriam Cohen Kuhn and her husband, Joe, had their first child, Joshua, on November 17. Miriam writes that she is going to take some time off from work to stay home for a while. . . . Sharon McGroder '87 (MS) sends an update: "After graduation, I worked at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services for five years doing child and family policy research. I then returned to graduate school at Penn State where I received my Ph.D. in human development and family studies. I now work at a nonprofit, nonpartisan research firm in Washington, D.C., called Child Trends. You can look us up on the Web at I conduct research on the impact of welfare reform on children and families. In 1995 I married Peter Alvarez, who is an engineer for Lockheed Martin. We have a son, 2, and live in Sterling, Va." . . . Rosemarie Tassi-Schmidt writes that she has completed her master's degree in health service administration and is working at Genzyme, a large biotechnical company, in their New York genetics division. She supervises one of the company's prenatal laboratory divisions as well as the New York oncology department. She and her husband, Eddie, have a new daughter, Cynthia Rose. . . . Jeffrey Thomas '88S (MBA) e-mails that he was married in December 1997 to Yuko Marie Miyazaki. The couple lives in Hong Kong where Jeff works for Bank of America. Jeff and Yuko report that they see classmate Dawn Garibaldi and her husband, David Todd, on occasion for a game of golf or a trip away from mainland China. Jeff asks that any Rochester friends wanting to visit the "new" Hong Kong please give him a call at (888) 277-3499 or check out his Web site at . . . George Wunder e-mails: "I've returned to the University as the assistant basketball coach. I love working for Coach Neer and the Yellowjackets are 8-2 as I write this. My wife, Eileen, and daughter, Elizabeth, 11/2, both gave a big thumbs-up to the move back to Rochester."
Atanu Das is an environmental engineer with the consulting firm of Resource Applications, Inc., and is working on governmental projects. Atanu married Arpita Majumdar, a Ph.D. candidate in biology at the University of Illinois at Chicago. . . . Gian DiLoreto was awarded a Ph.D. in elementary particle physics from Michigan State University in November. He now is working at Applied Financial Management in Chicago while continuing to present his thesis findings at conferences in this country and abroad. He has wedding plans in Las Vegas in 2000 and a message now for friends Mike and Renee: "Please send me a Christmas card!" . . . Debbie-Ann Facey was promoted to senior programmer
analyst at Countrywide Home Loans in the Information Systems Division, Plano, Tex. She e-mails: "I am looking forward to hearing from old friends and any alumni in the Dallas area. My e-mail address is" . . .
September 24-26, 1999
e-mails: "I have been living in Bozeman, Mont., since I graduated from the Take 5 program in 1995. I worked for the Montana Conservation Corps for two seasons and was on the trail crew at Yellowstone National Park in 1997. Currently, I am the plant manager at Jungst Scientific, Inc., in Bozeman. The company manufactures custom molds for plastic injection and does custom injection molding. On a more personal note, I am engaged. Wedding plans are for this year in the Beartooth Mountains! I'd love to hear from Rochester crew alumni." . . . James Vordonis '96 (Mas) married Robin Fedyk on August 16 in Rochester.
September 24-26, 1999
September 24-26, 1999
September 24-26, 1999
September 24-26, 1999
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