The Rochester Review, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York, USA
Hello friends from the classes of 1965-1969!
Pictures from your past . . .
Remember us? We're hosting Reunion and we want to see you back on the River Campus, June 11, 12, and 13, 1999. Call yoUR friends, get a gang together, and return to Rochester for a real blast from the past.
Watch your mail in May for Reunion registration materials and check out the Reunion Web site for a
list of who's planning to attend this fabulous celebration. You'll find event information there, too. (Start
at and click on Alumni.)Can't remember our names? You'll have to be at Reunion to learn our true identities! Until then . . .
YoUR Reunion Hosts
For further information contact Diane Crane at the Alumni Association, (800) 333-0175. In Rochester call (716) 273-5888. The e-mail address is
Maintained by University Public Relations